This lookup compares the base budget for each labor object code on an account to the total calculated salary foundation (CSF) amount on the account. The base budget for the object code is established as an aggregate amount for all people and vacant lines within the account and object code.
The following options control the display in the Search Results:
Consolidation Option:
- Consolidation: Aggregates sub-accounts into the total amount displayed.
- Detail: Displays balances by sub-account and sub-object.
- Exclude Sub-Accounts: Balances display without sub-accounts or sub-object codes.
Search Results
Most fields on this lookup are self explanatory, those requiring additional explanation are described below.
- Adjusted Base Budget Amount: Base budget for this account, object, and sub-object code; includes any adjustments that have been made since the beginning of the year
- CSF Amount: The total of all the CSF amounts for each position on the account. Calculating and maintaining CSF information requires an integration with the institution's payroll system. If your institution wishes to make use of this data on these inquiry screens you will need to calculate CSF information in an external payroll system and populate the Kuali Financial tables with this data.
- Base Budget / CSF Variance: The adjusted base minus the CSF amount
Drill down
The drilldown pattern of this lookup is as follows:
- Calculated Salary Foundation lookup
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