The Salary Expense Transfer (ST) document is used to move salaries and benefit charges for a given employee for a particular accounting period (or set of periods) from one or more accounts to one or more accounts.
The Year End version is similar except for the following:
- Entries will post in period 13.
- Will not route to the Fiscal Officer, Organization Review must be set up in order to submit the document.
Salary Transfer and Effort Certification
To keep effort certification and the Labor Ledger consistent, limitations are placed on the types of salary expense transfers that may be performed after Effort Certification documents covering a fiscal period have been generated. Refer to Effort Certification for more information.
- Salary expenses cannot be transferred using the Salary Expense Transfer after Effort Certification documents have been generated but before the report period is closed. During this time, changes should be made on the Effort Certification document. Changing the effort levels will generate an automatic salary transfer that maintains consistency between the effort certification and the Labor Ledger.
- When an effort reporting period is closed, salary expense transfers are not allowed for any fiscal period covered by the report period. This restriction includes transfers made directly through a ST document and those made indirectly through re-creating an effort certification document. Authorized users may override this restriction.
Ledger Balance Importing
The Ledger Balance Importing tab allows the user to enter criteria to search for the Labor Ledger record that needs to be corrected. After the user enters the Employee ID, the name of the employee is displayed on the screen.
When Fiscal Year and Emp ID (Employee ID) are entered, click Search. The Ledger Balance Lookup for the Salary Expense Transfer Document page opens.
The lookup results list the expenses incurred for the selected employee for the fiscal year by accounting string. Select the expenses to be moved and click Return Selected to return to the Salary Expense Transfer document.
Accounting Lines
The From section of the Accounting Lines tab is populated with the selected salary lines. Amounts in the From section may be edited, but cannot exceed the amount imported from the Labor Ledger balance screen.
After completing the From section, there are two options for copying rows from the From section to the To section.
- Click the Copy icon to copy an individual row in the From section to the To section.
- Click Copy All to copy all rows in the in the From section to the To section.
For information on the standard accounting fields refer to Accounting Lines Tab.
Object Code:
- Only authorized users can change the object code on the To side. If changing the object code results in the generation of a positive or negative fringe benefit balance, the difference is applied to the account identified in the BENEFIT_CLEARING_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS and BENEFIT_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_NUMBER parameters.
- The object code must exist in the Labor Object Code table and the Financial Object Fringe or Salary Code must have a value of S.
- Pay Hrs: Informational only, does not drive functionality.
- Fringe Benefit: The View link opens the Fringe Benefit details for that salary line. After submission or upon save, fringe benefits are calculated for the salary amounts being adjusted. These amounts will be moved with the salary. Amounts are calculated for the types of benefits defined for the salary object codes on the document on the Labor Object Code Benefits table. The rates for each benefit type are defined in the Labor Benefits Calculation table. Refer to Setting up Labor Distribution to calculate benefits for more information.
- Amount: Is limited to the amount available to transfer.
Late Adjustment Certification
This tab facilitates collecting information when an expense transfer exceeds the number of fiscal periods specified in parameter LATE_ADJUSTMENT_REQUIRED.
Exceptions can be specified by sub-fund in parameter LATE_ADJUSTMENT_OVERRIDE.
Expense transfers that require the Late Adjustment tab to be completed require that the Fiscal Officer or delegate to acknowledge the following statement:
I hereby certify that these expenses were incurred for the goals, objectives, and benefit of grant/contract, and that the expenditure transfer is correct and proper. In the event of a subsequent audit disallowance of this expense transfer for any reason, the Principal Investigator/Fiscal Officer and Department Head agree to be jointly responsible for handling this expense in a manner which is consistent with the institution’s policy.
Labor Ledger Pending Entries
Labor Ledger pending entries are created when a document is saved or submitted.
The Labor Ledger Pending Entries tab displays pending entries stored in the Labor Ledger. These entries have not yet been processed by the Labor Ledger Scrubber.
- In addition to pending entries with a balance type of AC (Actual), Labor Ledger will create two entries with a balance type of A2 (A21 Balances).
- The AC entry and one of the A2 entries will display the current fiscal year and period. The labor scrubber sets these entries to the current fiscal year and period after the document is approved. The other A2 entry is set with the year and period equal to that of the original labor entry being moved.
- NOTE: When using the Year End Salary Expense Transfer the fiscal period will be set to the prior fiscal year and fiscal period will be set to 13.
- The A2 entries post only to the Labor Ledger and are used by Effort Certification to correctly reflect the period when salaries were earned. AC entries post to the General Ledger and reflect when salaries are moved. If you are not using Effort Certification, you can turn off the A2 entries by setting parameter A2_ENTRIES_IND = No.
- Fiscal Officers for all From and To accounts must approve the ST document.
The following additional approvals are available:
- Organization Hierarchy Review
- Object Code
- Sub-fund
- Workstudy (when object codes specified in parameter WORKSTUDY_ROUTE_OBJECT_CODES are used)
- Award (Contracts and Grants) review.
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