NOTE: This release caused a problem with viewing attachments on existing Vendor and Customer documents. A change was reverted with the 2024.06.17 release, see FINP-10978.
Change Category | Change Description | Change Type | Change ID |
Support | We fixed an issue with Asset Global documents. Prior to the fix Asset Global documents with off campus addresses were routing to exception. | Improvement | FINP-11058 |
Support | We fixed an issue with the Vendor lookup. Prior to the fix entering the vendor header id didn't return any results. | Bug | FINP-11029 |
Support | We fixed an issue with the non-production yellow bar. Prior to the fix the non-production bar was briefly showing when first logging into a production environment. | Bug | FINP-11036 |
Support | We fixed an issue with the Payee ACH Account lookup. Prior to the fix the value in the Bypass Indicator field was not displaying. | Bug | FINP-11033 |
Product Development | We fixed an issue with Reopening POs. Prior to the fix it was possible for different users to Reopen the same PO resulting in duplicate GLPEs. | Bug | FINP-11048 |
Product Development | We fixed an issue with Voiding POs. Prior to the fix it was possible for different users to Void the same PO resulting in duplicate GLPEs. | Bug | FINP-11047 |
Product Development | We added a new permission, View Inquiry or Maintenance Document Section vendorNotes and assigned it to roles 32 and 54 in order to retain current base functionality. Users with this permission can see notes and attachments when inquiring on vendor records. If role 32 and 54 should not be able to see notes and attachments when inquiring on vendor records, the permission can be removed from these roles and assigned to authorized roles. | Improvement | FINP-11045 |
Product Development | We fixed an issue with disapproved Vendor documents. Prior to the fix, if a Vendor document was disapproved, the notes and attachments associated with the disapproved document remained on the vendor record. NOTE: This change created a problem for pre-existing documents. This change was reverted by FINP-11128 and re-implemented with FINP-11129. | Bug | FINP-10978 |
Product Development | We fixed an issue with disapproved Customer documents. Prior to the fix, if a Customer document was disapproved, the notes and attachments associated with the disapproved document remained on the customer record. NOTE: This change created a problem for pre-existing documents. This change was reverted by FINP-11128 and re-implemented with FINP-11129. | Bug | FINP-10977 |
Product Development | We commons-validator commons-validator | Improvement | FINP-11077 |
Product Development | We upgraded Java newrelic-agent. | Improvement | FINP-11062 |
Product Development | We upgraded outdated npm dependencies. | Improvement | FINP-11057 |
Product Development | We upgraded several Java com.fasterxml.jackson. | Improvement | FINP-10194 |
Product Development | We upgraded Maven's dependency-check plugin. | Improvement | FINP-11117 |
Product Development | We moved the Available Balances calculation to the database and are requiring Account Number. Requiring Account Number prevents the system from timing out when doing large queries. | Improvement | FINP-11001 |
Product Development | We addressed Java 21 Object.finalize() deprecation warnings that were breaking the build. | Improvement | FINP-11063 |
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