Change Category | Change Description | Change Type | Change ID |
Support | We fixed an issue with Asset edit. Prior to the fix if an invalid account was entered and the document saved or submitted, the chart and account were not editable and the document had to be cancelled. | Bug | FINP-11043 |
Support | We fixed a validation on Responsibility ID to allow characters other than digits. | Bug | FINP-11261 |
Support | We fixed an issue with the Disbursement Voucher CSV Upload. Prior to the fix if there was an issue with the header line, the error did not specify what was wrong. | Bug | FINP-11245 |
Support | We fixed an issue with Available Balances. Prior to the fix sorting on the Variance column was not working. | Improvement | FINP-11124 |
Support | We added the Customer Invoice Print Invoice Indicator values to the bootstrap and demo dataset. | Improvement | FINP-10998 |
Support | We fixed an issue with the fiscalYearMakerJob. Prior to the fix entries with inactive object codes were being added to the Labor Benefits Calculation and Labor Object Code Benefits tables. | Bug | FINP-10790 |
Support | We added a new field to the System Options table, Beginning Encumbrances Loaded Indicator, in order to address an issue with the Available Balances, Prior Year Balances toggle. When Beginning Encumbrances Loaded Indicator is set to Yes, prior year encumbrances will be excluded when Available Balances, Prior Year Balances is Include. This flag should be set after the encumbrances have been loaded for the new year. | Improvement | FINP-11170 |
Support | We fixed an issue with the cabExtractJob. Prior to the fix, PREQs paid with wire or external and approved to final on the same day they were created were being added to Asset Processing General Ledger instead of Asset Processing Accounts Payable. | Bug | FINP-11147 |
Parameter Clean Up | We changed parameter BUDGET_REVERSION_DEFAULT_BALANCE_TYPE to BUDGET_BALANCE_TYPE, changed its namespace to KFS-GL, changed its component to OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountStep and updated it's description. We changed parameter CASH_REVERSION_DEFAULT_BALANCE_TYPE to CASH_BALANCE_TYPE, changed its namespace to KFS-GL, changed its component to OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountStep and updated it's description. We changed parameter DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_PREFIX to DOCUMENT_NUMBER_PREFIX, changed its namespace to KFS-GL, changed its component to OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountStep and updated it's description. | Improvement | FINP-10048 |
Parameter Clean Up | We removed parameter DERIVED_ROLE_MEMBER_INACTIVATION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESSES. | Improvement | FINP-7745 |
Product Development | We upgraded outdated npm dependencies. | Improvement | FINP-11251 |
Product Development | We addressed deprecation warnings in JasperReports JRXML. | Improvement | FINP-11249 |
Product Development | We removed KIM_SHOW_BLANK_QUALIFIERS parameter and `` property. | Improvement | FINP-11266 |
Product Development | We created a Labor Ledger List (llpe_list) report similar to the General Ledger List (glpe_list) report. Both reports group by Document Number, then Balance Type. | Improvement | FINP-11081 |
Product Development | We added a new permission, Edit Vendor Address PREQ, to control whether or not Accounts Payable can edit the Vendor address on PREQs. The new permission is assigned to role 22, Accounts Payable Processor, to preserve current functionality. | Improvement | FINP-11026 |
Product Development |
We enhanced the Pre-Encumbrance document to prevent using Reversal Dates in the next fiscal year unless the accounts fund or sub fund is in parameter CG_VALUE. We also moved the CG_VALUE and CG_FUND_IND parameters to the KFS-SYS namespace, changed their component to All and updated their descriptions. |
Improvement | FINP-7362 |
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