NOTE: A change from this release was reverted with Release 2024.09.25, see FINP-11082.
Change Category | Change Description | Change Type | Change ID |
Support | We changed the Purchase Order to allow Purchase Orders to be voided when the application document status is error occurred sending cxml. Prior to the fix only POs in Open or Pending Print status could be voided. | Improvement | FINP-11148 |
Support | We enhanced the Person doc to allow inactive roles and groups to be re-activated. NOTE: This change was reverted with release 2024.09.25, see FINP-11363. | Improvement | FINP-11082 |
Support | We fixed an issue with e-Invoicing. Prior to the fix blank descriptions or an additional IDReference tag were generating null pointer exceptions. | Improvement | FINP-11005 |
Support | We fixed an issue with canceling and then reissuing a payment on the same day. Prior to the fix only the entries associated with the reissue were posting. With this neither the reissue or cancel entries post. | Bug | FINP-6615 |
Lookup Refactor - Phase 3 | We refactored the Permission lookup. | Improvement | FINP-10950 |
Parameter Clean Up | We removed parameter TAX_EMAIL_SUBJECT. | Improvement | FINP-9591 |
Parameter Clean Up | We removed parameter DOCUMENT_TYPES_REQUIRING_ACTIVE_OBJECT_CODES. | Improvement | FINP-7744 |
Product Development | We added a vendor address lookup to the Disbursement Voucher when the payee is a vendor. | Improvement | FINP-11239 |
Product Development | We moved Contracts & Grants Billing Suspension Category codes to a maintenance table. | Improvement | FINP-11165 |
Product Development | We removed Credit Card Object Code from System Information. | Improvement | FINP-11149 |
Product Development | We fixed an issue with disapproved Vendor documents. Prior to the fix, if a Vendor document was disapproved, the notes and attachments associated with the disapproved document remained on the vendor record. | Bug | FINP-11129 |
Product Development | We added Province to the Disbursement Voucher CSV and XML uploads. | Improvement | FINP-11089 |
Product Development | We upgraded outdated npm dependencies. | Improvement | FINP-11280 |
Product Development | We upgraded Java org.apache.commons:commons-lang3. | Improvement | FINP-11267 |
Product Development | We upgraded org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5, org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5-h2 and org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5-reactive | Improvement | FINP-11247 |
Product Development | We upgraded Java com.mysql mysql-connector-j. | Improvement | FINP-11246 |
Product Development | We fixed the integration tests to run with the lane-specific property changes. | Improvement | FINP-11294 |
Product Development | We added the concept of lane-based properties to sandbox (sbx) and production (prd). | Improvement | FINP-11140 |
Product Development | We removed the `CSRF_ENABLED_IND` and `CSRF_EXEMPT_PATHS` Parameters, in favor of the `csrf.enabled` and `csrf.exempt.paths` properties, respectively. | Improvement | FINP-11008 |
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