Starting in January 2019, Oracle will stop offering free security and bug fixes to their Java 8 runtime and will only provide updates through a licensing program. This will require institutions to pay per processor running Java 8. In addition to other changes to their support program,
Kuali Financials will no longer utilize the Oracle JDK and will move to OpenJDK going forward.
OpenJDK 8 will receive bug and security fixes until 2023 with support from companies such as RedHat and IBM. Migrating to OpenJDK 8 gives us time to deliberately migrate Kuali Financials to OpenJDK 11 which is the next LTS (long term support) version of Java. Our current plan is to be running KFS in Java 11 by the end of 2019. Using OpenJDK is free and will not have any licensing costs for on-premise or self-managed use. Migrating from Oracle Java 8 to OpenJDK 8 has required minimal effort in our current environments. However, each implementer may have a different experience depending on their local levels of customization and configuration
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