Functionality | Parameter Name | Purpose | Sample Values | Allow or Deny |
Cash Control created by LOC job | PROCESSING_CHART |
Processing chart used when Cash Controls and Payment Applications are created by the letterOfCreditJob. Used in conjunction with PROCESSING_ORGANIZATION. |
UA | A |
Cash Control created by LOC job | PROCESSING_ORGANIZATION |
Processing organization used when Cash Controls and Payment Applications are created by the letterOfCreditJob. Used in conjunction with PROCESSING_CHART. |
VPIT | A |
Contracts & Grants Billing Federal Financial Report |
Defines the basis of accounting for filing federal financial reports SF425 and SF425A. 1 = Cash; 2=Accrual | 1 | A |
Contracts & Grants Invoice |
From email address used when Contracts & Grants Invoices are sent by the Transmit Contracts & Grants Invoices process. Warning: If this parameter is left blank, invoices will not be sent and it appears that they were. |
A | |
Contracts & Grants Invoice |
When set to Y Contracts & Grants Invoices will include period 12 and 13 budget and actuals when invoices are created in period 01 of the following year. |
N | A |
Contracts & Grants Invoice |
Invoice template that defaults on the Customer General Information and Customer Address tabs when creating new customers. | STD | A |
Contracts & Grants Invoice | PRORATE_BILL_IND |
When set to Y the Prorate Bill functionality is enabled on Contracts & Grants Invoices. |
Y | A |
Customer Aging Report |
Determines the last two buckets of the Customer Aging Report. The Customer Aging Report lists the customers which have open invoices for 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 90-parameter, parameter+ days. | 120 | A |
Customer Import |
The maximum number of records allowed in a single file when creating customers via the customerLoadJob. | 250 | A |
Customer Invoice |
The maximum number of days after the billing date the invoice due date can be set. | 90 | A |
Customer Invoice | OBJECT_CONSOLIDATIONS | Object Consolidation(s) restricted from use on a Customer Invoice document. | CMPN;CPTL;FDBL | D |
Customer Invoice | OBJECT_LEVELS | Object Level(s) restricted from use on a Customer Invoice document. | CASH;CSEQ;PLNT | D |
Customer Invoice | SALES_TAX_IND | When set to Y sales tax functionality in the Accounts Receivable module is enabled. | Y | A |
Customer Invoice Writeoff |
When set to Y entries will be created to adjust sales tax liability for accounts receivable written off as bad debt. When WRITEOFF_METHOD=2, this parameter must be set to N. |
Y | A |
Customer Invoice Writeoff | APPROVAL_THRESHOLD | Writing off invoices of this value or higher requires Fiscal Officer approval. | 50 | A |
Customer Invoice Writeoff |
Specifies how entries for accounts receivable writeoff are created. 1: Record the writeoff in the same account used on the invoice, with the writeoff object code specified on the Chart table, or 2: Record the writeoff in the accounting string specified on the Organization Accounting Defaults table, or 3: Record the writeoff in the same account and object code used on the invoice. | 1 | A |
Customer Invoice Writeoff |
Identifies the object code to be used by chart when parameter WRITEOFF_METHOD = 1. The writeoff will be recorded in the same account that receives the income and the object code will be based on the income account's chart code. |
BA=5105;BL=5105 |
A |
Dunning Campaign |
Collection activity type code used on the Collection Activity Event created when Dunning Letters are generated. |
LSTS | A |
Dunning Campaign |
Dunning campaign that defaults when agencies are created. |
A | |
Dunning Campaign |
he Final Days Past Due value on the Dunning Campaign. |
150 | A |
Dunning Campaign |
The State Agency Final Days Past Due value on the Dunning Campaign. |
150 | A |
Invoice Recurrence |
These are the valid intervals for invoice recurrence. | M=Monthly;Q=Quarterly | A |
Invoice Recurrence |
Maximum number of recurrences allowed by interval | M=12;Q=4 | A |
Lockbox | Text contained in the email generated by the lockBoxJob. | Details about the Cash Controls and Payment Applications created by the lockboxJob are available as a pdf report in the Batch File reports/ar directory. | A | |
Lockbox |
Email subject line used on the summary email generated by the lockBoxJob. | Account Receivable Lock Box Payments | A |
Lockbox |
Email address that will receive summary email generated by the lockBoxJob. | A | |
Milestone Notification |
NOTIFICATION_DAYS | The UpcomingMilestoneNotificationJob will notify the fund manager when a milestones estimated completion is within the number of days specified in this parameter. | 10 | A |
Milestone Notification |
Email subject used by the UpcomingMilestoneNotificationJob when emails are sent to Fund Managers notifying them of milestones that are approaching their estimated completion date. | Upcoming Milestones Notification for Award | A |
Module Lockout |
When set to Y the Accounts Receivable module is unavailable. The modulesUnlockJob and modulesLockJob batch jobs can be used to lock and unlock all the modules at one time. | N | A |
Organization Options |
When set to Y the Organization Options Remit To Address tab is editable. | N | A |
Organization Options |
When REMIT_TO_IND and REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_IND are set to Y, the Organization Options Remit To Address tab is populated from System Information on Save or Submit and is not editable. When REMIT_TO_IND and REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_IND are set to N, the Organization Options Remit To field is populated from System Information on Save or Submit and is editable. When REMIT_TO_IND is set to N and REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_IND is set to Y, the Organization Options Remit To field is populated from System Information on Save or Submit and is editable. When REMIT_TO_IND is set to Y and REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_IND is set to N, the Organization Options Remit To field is populated from System Information and is editable. | N | A |
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