The following jobs are described in the Contracts & Grants Billing Batch Jobs article.
- clearContractsGrantsInvoiceDocumentErrorLogJob
- contractsGrantsInvoiceDocumentJob
- letterOfCreditJob
- upcomingMilestoneNotificationJob
The following table summarizes the Accounts Receivable batch jobs.
Job Name |
Description |
customerInvoiceWriteoffBatchJob |
Creates Customer Invoice Write Off documents when the Customer Invoice Writeoff Lookup process is used. |
customerLoadJob |
Creates customer records uploaded from either a CSV or XML file. See Accounts Receivable Upload Functions for more information on the file layouts and uploading files. |
invoiceRecurrenceJob |
Creates Customer Invoices and routes them to the Invoice Recurrence initiator at specified monthly or quarterly intervals. |
lockboxJob |
Creates Cash Controls and Payment Applications each time the job is run. One Cash Control per lock box and one payment application per invoice. If the lock box information and invoice match, then the Payment Application routes to FINAL. If there is a mismatch, the Payment Application is SAVED so that it can be corrected. Cash Controls will be Enroute. |
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