Functionality | Parameter Name | Purpose | Sample Values | Allow or Deny |
Account | ACCOUNT_TYPE_BENEFIT_RATE | Benefit Rate Category Code that will default on the Account document based on the Account Type. Format: Account Type=Benefit Rate Category Code, for example, DT=AA;A1=BB,CC, etc. | EN=AA;CG=BB | A |
Account | BENEFIT_RATE | Benefit Rate Category Code that will default on the Account document. The default is used when the ACCOUNT_TYPE_BENEFIT_RATE does not apply to an account. – (two dashes) implies the category code is not applicable. The default cannot be null. | -- | A |
Account | CAPITAL_ASSET_SUB_FUNDS | Sub fund groups that require that the Building Campus Code and Building Code be completed on the Account document. | PFCMR | A |
Account | CG_RESPONSIBILITY_ID | The upper range for the Contracts & Grants Responsibility Id on Contracts & Grants Accounts. The minimum is 1. CG Responsibility ID is set on the Account to route documents to Contracts & Grants. The assignees for each CG Responsibility ID is assigned via the Role document to the Contracts & Grants Processor role. | 17 | A |
Account | EXPIRATION_BACKDATING_FUNDS | Fund groups that allow backdating of the expiration date on the Account document. | CG | A |
Account | INCOME_STREAM_FUNDS | Fund groups that require that the income stream account be completed on the Account document. | GF;CG | A |
Account | INCOME_STREAM_SUB_FUNDS | Sub fund groups that do not require that the income stream account be completed on the Account document when it would normally be required based on the value in INCOME_STREAM_FUNDS. | MPRACT | D |
Account | PREFIXES | Restricts what an Account number can start with. For example, setting the parameter value to 3;00 will prevent account numbers from starting with 3 or 00. | 3;00 | D |
Account | SOURCE_OF_FUNDS_IND | When set to Y the Source of Funds field will display on the Account document. | Y | A |
Account Delegate Global | ACCOUNT_DELEGATES_LIMIT | The maximum number of account delegates that can be added to the Account Delegate Global document. Calculated by multiplying account delegates with accounts. | 5000 | A |
AddPriorYearAccountsStep | PRIOR_YEAR_ACCOUNTS | List of accounts created after the start of a new fiscal year, that need to be added to the Prior Year Account table by the batch job addPriorYearAccountsJob. Format: coaCode1-accountNumber1;coaCode2-accountNumber2;coaCode3-accountNumber3" and so on; for example, the value "BL-0142900;BA-1111111;UA-1000000" defines 3 accounts to be added. |
A | |
Module Lock | MODULE_LOCKED_IND | When set to Y the Chart of Account module is unavailable. The modulesUnlockJob and modulesLockJob batch jobs can be used to lock and unlock all the modules at one time. | N | A |
Object Code | INVALID_OBJECT_CODES | Invalid Object Code values. | 0000 | D |
Offset Definition | USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET_IND | This allows the system to redirect offset entries to another specified account when enabled (Y). The Offset Account Maintenance Document defines the offset account for an object code/account combination. When not enabled (N)?the offsets are applied to the same account as the original transaction, under a different object code as defined in the Offset Definition table. | N | A |
Organization | ACCOUNT_NOT_REQUIRED | Default account number is not required when creating organizations with the organization types specified in this parameter. Setting this parameter will avoid a chicken/egg situation where the value for the default account cannot be created until the organization exists. | C;U | A |
Organization | REPORT_TO_SELF | Organization Type that can / must report to itself when creating a new organization. This parameter should only contain one Organization Type; more will cause problems in the system. The system will only allow one Organization with this Organization Type, thus ensuring that there is a single Organization at the top of the hierarchy that all others report to. | U | A |
Organization Reversion |
The balance type to use on the budget reversion ledger entries generated by the Organization Reversion process. In the base Kuali installation, RE is a balance type that end users won't typically be aware of. This allows entries to be posted as an audit trail, but typically doesn't appear on reports or balance inquiry screens. | RE | A |
Organization Reversion |
The balance type to use on the cash reversion ledger entries generated by the Organization Reversion process. In the base Kuali installation, NB is a balance type that end users won't typically be aware of. This allows entries to be posted as an audit trail, but typically doesn't appear on reports or balance inquiry screens. ? | NB | A |
Organization Reversion |
The literal placed at the beginning of the document number for the Organization Reversion ledger entries. The process takes this literal and appends the account number to create multiple document numbers for posting. Then in the event of a scrubber error, only the transactions for a given account number (and not the entire feed) are rejected and need correcting. ? | AC | A |
Organization Reversion | SELECTION_1 | Fund group code(s) that should be included in the Organization Reversion Selection. | account.subFundGroup.fundGroupCode=GF | A |
Organization Reversion | SELECTION_2 | Organization codes that should be excluded from Organization Reversion Selection. | account.organizationCode=BALS;RESV | D |
Organization Reversion | SELECTION_3 | Object codes that should be excluded from Organization Reversion Selection. | objectCode=9890;9891;9892;9893 | D |
Organization Reversion | SELECTION_4 | Sub fund group codes that should be excluded from Organization Reversion Selection. |
account.subFundGroupCode=MPRACT |
D |
Organization Reversion | SELECTION_5 | Chart of Accounts codes that should be excluded from Organization Reversion Selection. | account.chartOfAccountsCode= | D |
Organization Reversion | SELECTION_6 | Account numbers that should be excluded from Organization Reversion Selection. | account.accountNumber= | D |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object consolidations to exclude for a given organization reversion category. | D | |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object consolidations to include for a given organization reversion category. |
A |
Organization Reversion Category |
Organization reversion categories that represent expenses where variance is calculated as budget minus actual minus encumbrance. Categories not listed are assumed to be income categories and variance is calculated as actual minus budget. | C01;C02;C03;C04;C05;C06;C08;C09;C10 | A |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object levels to exclude for a given organization reversion category. | C02=HRCO | D |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object levels to include for a given organization reversion category. | C01=HRCO | A |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object types to exclude for a given organization reversion category. | D | |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object types to include for a given organization reversion category. |
A |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object sub types to exclude for a given organization reversion category. | D | |
Organization Reversion Category |
Object sub types to include for a given organization reversion category. | A | |
Update Prior Year tables | RUN_DATE | The run date (in format MM/DD/YYYY ) to run the update prior year data job. | 7/11/2019 | A |
Prior Year Accounts |
The list of accounts created after the start of a new fiscal year, that need to be added to the Prior Year Account table by the batch job addPriorYearAccountsJob. | A | |
Prior Year Accounts | RUN_DATE | The run date (in format MM/DD/YYYY ) to run the update prior year data job. | A |
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