The CFDA table values are used on the Account document when creating Contracts & Grants accounts.
When Kuali Research is integrated with Kuali Financials, this job and table are maintained in Kuali Research.
NOTE: CFDA and has been changed to ALN - Assistance Listing Number. Kuali Financials will be updated with this change.
CFDA Maintenance table
Normally, this table is updated with the cfdaJob and the CFDA Maintenance Type ID will be set to Automatic. However, values can be edited or added via a maintenance document. When creating a CFDA value manually, set the Maintenance Type ID to Manual.
Batch Job
The cfdaJob is the only batch job in the Contracts & Grants module. It uses the following parameters:
- TO_EMAIL determines who should receive CFDA batch process results.
- SOURCE_URL indicates from where the job should retrieve the CFDA data.
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