The Award (AWRD) document allows you to enter detailed information pertaining to the award. The Award document is processed after an agreement has been reached between the external funding agency and the institution. An Award document is entered into Kuali Financials to record all new sponsored projects awarded to the university, and to record amendments to existing agreements such as changes in the duration of the project, projector director or the granting of supplemental funding so that continued research can be carried out.
Award Maintenance
The Award Maintenance tab contains basic information identifying the project this award represents, including information on the sponsoring agency, project dates, funding and purpose. Most fields are self explanatory, those needing additional explanation are described below.
- Proposal Number: The Proposal Number will be populated once the document is submitted.
- Research Award ID: Field that can be used to reference an external Award system.
- Status: Select the award status. These values can be maintained using the Award Status lookup and maintenance document. Used for reporting.
- Total Amount: Display-only. Direct Cost Amount + Indirect Cost Amount.
- Agency Future 1 - 3 Amount: The amount of funds committed by an external agency for the next, 2nd and 3rd funding period. Used for reporting.
- Entry Date: The date the award is entered into the system, used for reporting, does not drive any functionality.
- Close Date: This field cannot be updated and has no functionality.
- Award Type: Identifies the type of award. These values can be maintained using the Proposal Type lookup and maintenance document. Used for reporting.
- Grant Number: The unique number, assigned by an external agency, for a specific contract or grant. Not all agencies assign grant numbers, but if present it serves as an identifier for a particular award.
- Grant Description: Identifies the type of contract or grant. Used for reporting.
- Purpose: Select the nature of work to be completed by the grant or contract. These values can be maintained using the Proposal Purpose lookup and maintenance document. Used for reporting.
- Federal Funded Amount: Display-only. Displays the amount funded by the awarding agency (if federal) for the federal pass through agency.
- Federal Pass Through: Check the box to indicate that this award involves federal pass-through funds (federal agency awards money to the non-federal granting agency which in turn is passed along to your institution through an award.)
- Federal Pass Through Agency Number and Name: Display-only. Enter or lookup the agency number that identifies the federal agency from which the funding originates. The Federal Pass Through Agency Name will display based on the number selected.
- Federal Pass Through Funded Amount: The dollar amount identified as federal pass-through funds for the award.
- Allocated University Computing Services Amount: The contract or grant award dollars designated in an approved budget for University Computing Services. Reporting only.
- Addendum Number: The number assigned by Contracts & Grants Administration that identifies an addendum to the master contract.
- Award Document Number: The unique identification number assigned by an external agency for communication of fiscal information about an award.
- Agency Analyst Name and Telephone Number: The agency’s contact name and telephone number.
Letter Of Credit Fund Group: (not displayed on the above screeshot). The letter of credit (LOC) identifier used for applicable federal cash draws.
- When CGB is off, this field will display in this tab
- When CGB is on, the field does not display in this tab. The LOC Fund Group can be identified in the Invoicing tab.
The Accounts tab must reference at least one account number that has been created to manage the funds for this award. Multiple accounts may be associated with one award. The Account is created prior to the award. Refer to Creating Accounts & Awards for an overview of the process. The fields in this tab are self explanatory, those requiring additional information are described below.
- Project Director User ID: Required. The user ID of the project director responsible for this account. If multiple project directors are involved in the award, each may have a separate account that represents their portion of the project.
The following fields will display when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on.
- Final Billed: Display-only. The Final Billed field will change to Yes, when the latest Contracts & Grants Invoice is marked as Final Bill.
Last Billed Date: Display-only.
LOC and Cost Reimbursable Awards: The last day of the prior billing cycle.
- Non-LOC Awards: This field is updated when the last invoice for this billing cycle and award is final, so the Last Billed Date on the Award and on the Contracts & Grants Billing Invoices may not always match.
- LOC Awards: This field will be updated to the day prior to the Contracts & Grants Invoice create date and will always match the Last Billed Date on the Contracts & Grants Invoice.
- Milestone and Predetermined Billing: The date of the latest milestone or schedule that is billed.
LOC and Cost Reimbursable Awards: The last day of the prior billing cycle.
Project Directors
The Project Directors tab identifies the individual(s) responsible for the direction of the project. Each award must have at least one Project Director assigned. Multiple Project Directors can be associated with the same award, but only one of those users can be the Primary Project Director.
- Project Director Principal Name: Project directors in this tab must be members of the KFS-SYS Contracts & Grants Project Director role. Only one can be marked as primary.
Fund Managers
The Fund Managers tab identifies the individual(s) responsible for the management of Contracts & Grants Invoices for the project. Each award must have at least one Fund Manager assigned. Multiple Fund Managers can be associated with the same award, but only one of those users can be the Primary Fund Manager. Fund Managers can manually create Contracts & Grants Invoices. Contracts & Grants Invoices that suspend or are not set to auto-approve will route to all Fund Managers associated with the Award.
This tab will display when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on.
The Organization tab indicates which organizations at your institution are involved in this project. Multiple organizations can be added but only one can be marked as the Primary organization.
The Invoicing tab establishes how the invoice will be generated for this award, whether or not it’s a state award, if it should be auto approved, suspended, excluded from invoicing, the minimum amount to invoice, and if additional forms are required.
This tab will display when Contracts & Grants Billing is turned on. The fields on this tab are described in Additional Tabs and Fields - Award.
The Subcontractors tab identifies each entity to which project work is subcontracted and the dollar amount those subcontractors are to receive for this work.
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