Kuali Financials provides the ability to manually upload files. We recommend that files are dropped into specified directories for processing, however in the event that dropping files is not an option, or in order to test integrations, we provide a mechanism for loading files.
The file upload functionality places the files into the appropriate directory for batch processing. Refer to Accounts and Files to use when Testing in Monsters for example file formats. File uploads available include:
- Labor Enterprise Feed (files from the Payroll System)
- .data, .recon and .done files are placed in staging/ld/enterpriseFeed (if using the Labor Enterprise Feed Upload, the .done file is created automatically)
- General Ledger Enterprise Feed (files from Payroll (Gross to Net), Student and Expense management systems)
- .data, .recon and .done files are placed in staging/gl/enterpriseFeed (if using the Enterprise Feed Upload, the .done file is created automatically)
- Procurement Card (files from the Bank and places them into fiscal officers action lists)
- data file is placed in staging/fp/procurementCard
Collector Flat File and XML (files from internal billing units)
- data file is placed in the staging/gl/collectorFlatFile or
- staging/gl/collectorXml
- Payments (payment files from internal systems)
- data file is placed in staging/pdp/paymentImport
- Customers (file to create new customers)
- data file is placed in staging/ar/customer
- eInvoice (file to create Payment Requests based on existing Purchase Orders)
- data file is placed in staging/purap/electronicInvoice - refer to Creating an Electronic Invoice Reject Document for information on how to load eInvoice files via the UI.
.done files
Financials batch data files may exist on the filesystem with a "done" file in the same directory. The done file has an extension of ".done", and its presence indicates that the data file is ready to be processed. The "done" file is not to be interpreted as the system is "done" processing the file.
The done filename prefix must match the data file name prefix. For example, if the data file name is "pcdoTrans.xml", then the done file must be named "pcdoTrans.done".
When uploading a batch data file, the data file is usually created first, and then the done file is created. Batch jobs are required to only process a data file if the done file exists. Upon completion of a batch job, the done file is deleted so that future executions of the job will not process the same data file.
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