Functionality | Parameter Name | Purpose | Sample Values | Allow or Deny |
Accounting Lines |
When set to Y the Fiscal Officer can approve purchasing documents with accounting lines that have a zero dollar amount. | Y | A |
Accounting Lines |
When set to Y accounting lines with zero dollar amounts will be copied from the Purchase Order to the Payment Request. | Y | A |
Accounting Lines |
Indicator whether the distribute accounts functionality should perform validations upon the addition of a new accounting line to the distribution account list. | Y | A |
Auto Close Recurring Orders |
When this parameter is set to mm/dd/yyyy, the autoCloseRecurringOrdersJob will not close any recurring purchase orders. When set to a specific date, the autoCloseRecurringOrdersJob will close recurring purchase orders created prior to this date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy | A | |
Auto Close Recurring Orders |
From email address used when sending notification that the autoCloseRecurringOrdersJob is complete. | A | |
Auto Close Recurring Orders |
Notification wil be sent to this email upon successful completion of the autoCloseRecurringOrdersJob. The email will include the number of POs closed. |
A | |
Commodity Code |
When set to Y the commodity code field displays on the Requisition and Purchase Order line items. |
Y | A |
Continuation Account Warning |
When set to Y a warning will be presented to the Accounts Payable processor when an expired account is replaced on a Payment Request or Credit Memo with it's continuation account. |
N | A |
Continuation Account Warning |
When set to Y a warning will be presented to the Fiscal Officer when an expired account is replaced on a Payment Request or Credit Memo with it's continuation account. |
Y | A |
Contract Manager Assignment |
When set to Y Contract Manager Assignment will default to the contract manager assigned to commodity code used on the Requisition. |
Y | A |
Contract Manager Assignment |
Indicator related default document titles. Set to "N" if accepting the Kuali default document title, related to Contract Manager Assignment, as listed in the Document Search results. | N | A |
Document |
When the vendor address information is populated on a Payment Request or Credit Memo, indicate whether the attention line should be cleared when the default address is a PO type address. |
Y | A |
Electronic Invoicing - Summary Report |
From email address used when sending the electronic invoice summary report created by the electronicInvoiceExtractJob. |
A | |
Electronic Invoicing - Summary Report |
Email addresses which receive the electronic invoice summary report generated by the electronicInvoiceExtractJob. |
A | |
Electronic Invoicing |
Requisition Source codes that require the catalog match the Purchase Order when creating electronic invoices. |
B2B | A |
Electronic Invoicing |
When set to Y the electronic invoice file is moved to the accept/reject directory after the file is processed by the electronicInvoiceExtractJob. |
Y | A |
Electronic Invoicing |
Indicator related default document titles. Set to "N" if accepting the Kuali default document title, related to Contract Manager Assignment, as listed in the Document Search results. | N | A |
Electronic Invoicing |
When this parameter is empty use the Requisitions' Initiator campus on Payment Requests created by electronicInvoiceExtractJob, otherwise, use the value in this parameter. The campus code is used when PREQs are extracted into PDP. | A | |
Electronic Invoicing |
Reject reason codes that will not prevent an EIRT document from being approved. | A | |
Electronic Invoicing |
Acceptable lower variance percentage to determine the sales tax matching | A | |
Electronic Invoicing |
Acceptable upper variance percentage to determine the sales tax matching | A | |
Integration | CXML_DATE_FORMAT | Format with 0s is so if vendor sends time information we will only check the year, month and date. | 0000-00-00 | A |
Integration |
Simple data format for CXML. | yyyy-MM-dd | A |
Integration |
Simple time format used in CXML. | HH:mm:ss.sss | A |
Integration |
If set to N, the B2B integrator should use vendor ID to indicate the vendor. If set to Y, the B2B integrator should use the vendor DUNS number to indicate the vendor. | N | A |
Integration | KUALI_DATE_FORMAT | Format with 0s is so if vendor sends time information we will only check the year, month and date. | 00/00/0000 | A |
Integration |
Generic PURAP KFS date format. | MM/dd/yyyy | A |
Integration |
Month first simple date format. | MM-dd-yyyy | A |
Line Items |
Default item type code for non-quantity driven regular (i.e. above-the-line) items. | SRVC | A |
Line Items |
Default item type code for quantity driven regular (i.e. above-the-line) items. | ITEM | A |
Line Items | LINE_ITEM_IMPORT | Relative URL for the line item import help. |
default.htm?turl=WordDocuments%2F dataimporttemplates.htm |
A |
Line Items |
Object Code sub types that require the associated item to have a quantity. | UC;UO;UF;CM;CF;CO;AM | A |
Module Lockout |
When set to Y the Purchasing/Accounts Payable module is unavailable. The modulesUnlockJob and modulesLockJob batch jobs can be used to lock and unlock all the modules at one time. |
N | A |
Nonresident Tax |
Used in conjunction with parameters FEDERAL_TAX_CHART and FEDERAL_TAX_OBJECT_CODES to specify the federal tax accounting line when nonresident tax lines are generated on the Payment Request. |
9612729 | A |
Nonresident Tax |
Used in conjunction with parameters FEDERAL_TAX_ACCOUNT and FEDERAL_TAX_OBJECT_CODES to specify the federal tax accounting line when nonresident tax lines are generated on the Payment Request. |
UA | A |
Nonresident Tax |
Used in conjunction with parameters FEDERAL_TAX_CHART and FEDERAL_TAX_ACCOUNT to specify the federal tax accounting line when nonresident tax lines are generated on the Payment Request. Object codes are determined based on income class. Format: income class 1=object 1;income class 2=object 2. |
F=9021;I=9022;R=9022 | A |
Nonresident Tax |
Used in conjunction with parameters STATE_TAX_CHART and STATE_TAX_OBJECT_CODES to specify the state tax accounting line when nonresident tax lines are generated on the Payment Request. |
9612732 | A |
Nonresident Tax |
Used in conjunction with parameters STATE_TAX_ACCOUNT and STATE_TAX_OBJECT_CODES to specify the federal tax accounting line when nonresident tax lines are generated on the Payment Request. |
UA | A |
Nonresident Tax |
Nonresident state tax object codes by income class. Format: income class 1=object 1;income class 2=object 2. |
F=9021;I=9022;R=9022 | A |
Payment Request |
Allowed Item Type code(s) for below the line items on Payment Request documents. The values in this parameter must include the values entered in the Purchase Order ADDITIONAL_CHARGES_ITEM_TYPES parameter. |
A |
Payment Request | ALLOW_BACKPOST_DAYS | The number of days after fiscal year-end that a Payment Request is allowed to post to the previous fiscal year if the PO was created in the previous fiscal year. | 7 | A |
Payment Request | CANCEL_NOTE | Note generated when a Payment Request document is cancelled during pre disbursement processing | Cancelled inside PDP | A |
Payment Request |
Item type code(s) that allow for negative amounts on below the line items in the Payment Request document. | MISC;DISC;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Payment Request |
Item type code(s) that allow for positive amounts on below the line items in the Payment Request document. | FRHT;SPHD;MNOR;FDGR | A |
Payment Request |
Item type code(s) that allow for zero amounts on below the line items in the Payment Request document. |
A |
Payment Request |
Item type codes that require that the description be completed on the Payment Request additional line items. |
Payment Request |
Specifies item types that do not allow account editing on a specific document | TRDI;FDTX;FDGR;STTX;STGR | A |
Payment Request |
Object Code(s) allowed for use on a Payment Request document regardless of object code restrictions from other parameters. | 5881;9000;9118 | A |
Payment Request | OBJECT_CONSOLIDATIONS | Object Consolidation(s) restricted from use on a Payment Request document. | CMPN;SCHL;RSRX;ASEX | D |
Payment Request | OBJECT_LEVELS | Object Level(s) restricted from use on a Payment Request document. | DEPR;ICOE;VADJ;TAX;DEBT | D |
Payment Request | OBJECT_SUB_TYPES | Object Sub-Type(s) restricted from use on a Payment Request document. | TN | D |
Payment Request | OBJECT_TYPES | Object Type(s) restricted from use on a Payment Request document. | EE;ES;EX | A |
Payment Request |
When set to N, the Document Description will include the PO Number and Vendor Name. When set to Y, the Document Description will include the PO Number, Vendor Name, Account, Amount and Pay Date. |
N | A |
Payment Request |
When set to Y the Payment Request Positive Approval Required check box displays on the Requisition and Purchasing Order. |
Y | A |
When a Payment Request is less than this amount and is not excluded from auto approval by the Payment Request Auto Approval Exclusions or Negative Payment Request Approval Limit , the Payment Request will be auto approved by the autoApprovePaymentRequestsJob. |
5000 | A |
Payment Request | REISSUE_NOTE | Note generated when a Payment Request document is reissued during pre disbursement processing. | Reissued inside PDP. | A |
Payment Request | REQUIRE_ATTACHMENT_IND | Indicates whether or not an attachment is required on a Payment Request to route for fiscal approval. | N | A |
Payment Request | RESET_NOTE | Note generated when a Payment Request document is reset during pre disbursement processing | Reset for Extraction by PDP | A |
Payment Request - Duplicate Payment Check |
When set to Y the Payment Request duplicate payment check will include Disbursement Vouchers. |
N | A |
Payment Request - Duplicate Payment Check |
When set to Y the Payment Request duplicate payment check will include Payment Requests. |
Y | A |
Payment Request Pay Date |
The number of days added to the processed date to calculate the default pay date. | 10 | A |
Payment Request Pay Date |
Indicates the number of days that should be subtracted from the calculated pay date to ensure payment is made on time. This parameter can be used to manipulate pay date to ensure payments to vendors meet discount requirements or to account for holidays that may interfere with payment schedules. | 2 | A |
Payment Request Pay Date |
The number of days added to the invoice date when the payment terms on the vendor are not specified. |
Pre Disbursement Extract |
Predisbursement Processor (PDP) customer profile unit used when Payment Requests and Credit Memos are extracted into PDP. This code is added to the Chart from the Payment Request or Credit Memo and the value in the CUSTOMER_PROFILE_SUB_UNIT to create a Customer Profile. For example IN/KUAL/PRAP. There must be a matching Customer Profile in PDP. |
KUAL | A |
Pre Disbursement Extract |
Predisbursement Processor (PDP) customer profile sub unit used when Payment Requests and Credit Memos are extracted into PDP. This code is added to the Chart from the Payment Request or Credit Memo and the value in the CUSTOMER_PROFILE_UNIT to create a Customer Profile. For example IN/KUAL/PRAP. There must be a matching Customer Profile in PDP. |
PRAP | A |
Pre Disbursement Extract |
Cutoff time for batch jobs autoApprovePaymentRequestsJob and purchasingPreDisbursementExtractJob, represented in 24 hour time format. If either of these jobs run between midnight and the CUTOFF_TIME, they consider the job run date - 1 to be the current day. If they run between the CUTOFF_TIME and midnight, they consider the job run date to be the current day. For example, if the CUTOFF_TIME is 5 AM and the auto approve job runs at 2 AM on March 27th , it will consider March 26th to be the current day when looking for payment requests that meet the auto approve criteria and have a pay date less than or equal to the current day. If this parameter is blank, the jobs will always consider their run date to be the current day. |
5:00:00 | A |
The extension of the file containing the contract managers signature image files that are used to create the Purchase Order pdf. |
gif | A |
The prefix of the file containing the contract managers signature image files that are used to create the Purchase Order pd |
cm | A |
Purchase Order Print |
The extension of the file containing the purchasing directors signature image files that are used to create the Purchase Order pdf. | gif | A |
Purchase Order Print |
The prefix of the file containing the purchasing directors signature image file that are used to create the Purchase Order pdf.. | pd | A |
Purchase Order Print |
When IMAGE_FILES_IND = Y, the Contract Manager, Director and Logo image files used to create the Purchase Order pdf are located at this URL. |
A | |
Purchase Order Print | IMAGE_FILES_IND |
When set to Y, the Contract Manager, Director and Logo image files will be used to create the Purchase Order pdf. |
Y | A |
Purchase Order Print |
The extension of the file containing the logo that is used to create the Purchase Order pdf. |
jpg | A |
Purchase Order Print |
When set to N, use the logo assigned to each campus, otherwise use the same logo for all campuses. |
N | A |
Purchase Order Print |
The prefix of the file containing the logo that is used to create the Purchase Order pdf. |
logo | A |
Purchase Order Print |
The URL added to the Purchase Order pdf where the status of the order can be checked. | A | |
Purchase Order Print | TEMPORARY_FILE_DIRECTORY | The temporary path location for storing the Purchase Order pdf. | A | |
Purchase Order |
Allowed Item Type code(s) for below the line items on Purchase Order documents. The values in this parameter must include the values entered in the Requisition ADDITIONAL_CHARGES_ITEM_TYPES parameter and must be a subset of the values entered in the Payment Request ADDITIONAL_CHARGES_ITEM_TYPES parameter. | FRHT;SPHD;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Purchase Order |
If the automatic Purchase Order limit amount cannot be determined based on the vendor contract or the organization on the Requisition, use this default limit amount. | 1000 | A |
Purchase Order |
Vendor choice assigned to purchase orders that are automatically generated. |
SMAL | A |
Purchase Order |
Vendor choice assigned to purchase orders that are created from shop catalogs. |
CONT | A |
Purchase Order |
Object codes that, when associated with Contract & Grant accounts on a Purchase Order, will route to CG for approval. | BL=5011,5012 | A |
Purchase Order |
Object levels that, when associated with Contract & Grant accounts on a Purchase Order, will route to CG for approval. |
A |
Purchase Order |
When set to Y commodity code is required on Purchase Order line items. |
N | A |
Purchase Order |
When set to N the Document Title that displays on the Action List and Document Search will be the Description entered on the Requisition. When set to Y, the Document Title will be PO: <PO number> Contract Manager<number> Vendor: <vendor name> Amount: <amount>. For example: PO: 1009 Contract Manager: 99 Vendor: ABC CLEANING SERVICES Amount: 500.00 |
N | A |
Purchase Order |
Item type code(s) that allow for negative amounts on below the line items in the Purchase Order document. | ORDS;TRDI | A |
Purchase Order |
Item type code(s) that allow for positive amounts on below the line items in the Purchase Order document. | FRHT;SPHD | A |
Purchase Order |
Item type code(s) that allow for zero amounts on below the line items in the Purchase Order document. | FRHT;SPHD;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Purchase Order |
Item type code(s) that require the description field to be completed on below the line items in the Purchase Order document. | FRHT;SPHD;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Purchase Order |
Specifies item types that do not allow account editing on a specific document | TRDI | A |
Purchase Order |
Object codes that, when associated with Contract & Grant accounts on a Purchase Order, will not force the PO to route to a C&G workgroup for approval. Format of list is chart 1=object 1, object 2;chart 2=object 3,object 4,object 5. | D | |
Purchase Order |
Object levels that, when associated with Contract & Grant accounts on a Purchase Order, will not force the PO to route to a C&G workgroup for approval. Format of list is chart 1=object level 1, object level 2;chart 2=object level 3,object level 4,object level 5 | A | |
Purchase Order |
Requisition source codes listed here will be excluded from FYI notifications sent to Requisition Initiator & FO (Primary Delegate) when PO status becomes FINAL (open, amend, close, reopen, split, void) and when PO operations are Cancelled and Disapproved. If blank or null, the FYI notifications are sent to all active requisition source codes. | D | |
Purchase Order |
Object Code(s) allowed for use on a <doc type> document regardless of object code restrictions from other parameters. | 5881;9000;9118 | A |
Purchase Order |
Object Consolidation(s) restricted from use on a Purchase Order document. | CMPN;SCHL;RSRX;ASEX | D |
Purchase Order | OBJECT_LEVELS | Object Level(s) restricted from use on a Purchase Order document. | DEPR;ICOE;VADJ;TAX;DEBT | D |
Purchase Order | OBJECT_SUB_TYPES | Object Sub-Type(s) restricted from use on a Purchase Order document. | TN | D |
Purchase Order | OBJECT_TYPES | Object Type(s) restricted from use on a Purchase Order document. | EE;ES;EX | A |
Purchase Order |
The PO transmission method types allowed for printing a preview of the Purchase Order. | PRIN;FAX | A |
Purchase Order |
The PO transmission method types allowed for the Retransmit document. | PRIN;FAX | A |
Purchase Order |
Indicates whether a note will be automatically added to the PO when marked Sensitive Data. | N | A |
Purchase Order Amendment |
The default commodity code for unordered items. If commodity code is enabled and required on purchase order items, this value will be populated as the default commodity code for all unordered items when a Purchase Order Amendment Document is created from a Line Item Receiving Document. | 99200000 | A |
Receiving |
When set to Y the Receiving Address and Address to Vendor sections on the Requisition and Purchasing Order Delivery tab display. |
Y | A |
Receiving |
When set to Y the Receiving Required check box displays on the Requisition and Purchasing Order. |
Y | A |
Receiving |
When set to Y a warning will be shown when Add Unordered Item is clicked on the Line Item Receiving document. | Y | A |
Requisition |
Allowed Item Type code(s) for below the line items on Requisition documents. The values in this parameter must be a subset of the values in the Purchase Order ADDITIONAL_CHARGES_ITEM_TYPES parameter. | FRHT;SPHD;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Requisition |
When set to Y the Address to Vendor section of the Delivery tab on the Requisition allows users to determine which address will be presented to the vendor. |
Y | A |
Requisition |
The numbers of days prior to fiscal year-end that a requisition can be created and can qualify to become an Automatic Purchase Order if the posting year is set to the next fiscal year. | 300 | A |
Requisition |
Commodity code that will be added to purchase order lines created from shop catalog requisitions when commodity codes are required on the Purchase Order. |
Requistion |
When set to Y, the Year dropdown on the Requisition will display and can be selected if allowed by parameter ENCUMBER_NEXT_FISCAL_YEAR_DAYS. | N | A |
Requisition |
When set to Y commodity code is required on Requisition line items. |
N | A |
Requisition |
When set to Y commodity codes assigned to the selected vendor will be added to the Requisition Line Items as they are added to the document. |
Y | A |
Requisition |
When set to Y commodity codes are automatically added to vendors when a Requisition becomes an Open Purchase Order. |
Y | A |
Requisition |
When set to Y a warning will display when a debarred vendor is used on a Requisition. | Y | A |
Requisition |
The default "Method of PO Transmission" code value that appears on the requisition document. | PRIN | A |
Requisition |
The number of days before fiscal year-end that the next fiscal year will display in the Year dropdown on the Requisition. The Purchase Order encumbrance will be created in the selected fiscal year. If Shop Catalogs orders can be created in the next fiscal year, set parameter B2B_ENCUMBER_NEXT_YEAR_IND = Y. | 90 | A |
Requisition |
The default funding source for a requisition. | INST | A |
Requisition |
Item type code(s) that allow for negative amounts on below the line items in the Requisition document. | TRDI;ORDS | A |
Requisition |
Item type code(s) that allow for positive amounts on below the line items in the Requisition document. | FRHT;SPHD | A |
Requisition |
Item type code(s) that allow for zero amounts on below the line items in the Requisition document. | FRHT;SPHD;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Requisition |
Item type code(s) that require the description field to be completed on below the line items in the Requisition document. | FRHT;SPHD;ORDS;TRDI | A |
Requisition |
Specifies item types that do not allow account editing on a specific document | ORDS;TRDI | A |
Requisition |
Object Code(s) allowed for use on a <doc type> document regardless of object code restrictions from other parameters. | 5881;9000;9118 | A |
Requisition | OBJECT_CONSOLIDATIONS | Object Consolidation(s) restricted from use on a Requisition document. | CMPN;SCHL;RSRX;ASEX | D |
Requisition | OBJECT_LEVELS | Object Level(s) restricted from use on a Requisition document. | DEPR;ICOE;VADJ;TAX;DEBT | D |
Requisition | OBJECT_SUB_TYPES | Object Sub-Type(s) restricted from use on a Requisition document. | TN | D |
Requisition | OBJECT_TYPES | Object Type(s) restricted from use on a Requisition document. | EE;ES;EX | A |
Requisition |
Indicator related default document titles. Set to "N" if accepting the Kuali default document title, related to Requisition, as listed in the Document Search results. | N | A |
Requisition |
The default amount where anything greater than the listed value will fail separation of duties route node. | 10000 | A |
Sales & Use Tax |
Specifies whether tax is enabled globally for Purchasing/Accounts Payable documents | Y | A |
Sales & Use Tax | TAXABLE_DELIVERY_STATES | A list of delivery states that are allowed to collect taxes/denied from collecting taxes | IN;NY | D |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of fund groups that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is not taxable | AE | A |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of fund groups that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is taxable | RF | D |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of object code consolidations that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is not taxable | TRVL | A |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of object code consolidations that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is taxable | CPTL | D |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of object code levels that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is not taxable | ADV | A |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of object code levels that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is taxable | RESA | D |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of sub-fund groups that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is not taxable | DFRES | A |
Sales & Use Tax |
A list of sub-fund groups that are allowed/denied from being taxed based on the value of the constraint code when the delivery state is taxable | FEDERE | D |
Trade In |
The object code to be used for the trade in item accounts if the object code sub type of the account is one of the given set of Capital Asset sub types | 7070 | A |
Trade In |
The object code to be used for the trade in item accounts if the object code subtype of the account is Capital Lease | 7099 | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
Allowed Item Type code(s) for below the line items on Credit Memo documents. The values in this parameter must include the values entered in the Purchase Order ADDITIONAL_CHARGES_ITEM_TYPES parameter. | RSTO;MSCR | A |
Vendor Credit Memo | CANCEL_NOTE | Note generated when a Credit Memo document is cancelled during pre disbursement processing | Cancelled inside PDP | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
Item type code(s) that allow for negative amounts on below the line items in the Credit Memo Document created from a Payment Request. | RSTO;MSCR | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
Item type code(s) that allow for positive amounts on below the line items in the Credit Memo Document created from a Payment Request. | MSCR | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
Item type code(s) that allow for zero amounts on below the line items in the Credit Memo Document created from a Payment Request. | RSTO;MSCR | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
Item type codes that require that the description be completed on the Vendor Credit Memo additional line items. | MSCR | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
Object Code(s) allowed for use on a <doc type> document regardless of object code restrictions from other parameters. | 5881;9000;9118 | A |
Vendor Credit Memo | OBJECT_CONSOLIDATIONS | Object Consolidation(s) restricted from use on a Credit Memo document. | CMPN;SCHL;RSRX;ASEX | D |
Vendor Credit Memo | OBJECT_LEVELS | Object Level(s) restricted from use on a Credit Memo document. | DEPR;ICOE;VADJ;TAX | D |
Vendor Credit Memo | OBJECT_SUB_TYPES | Object Sub-Type(s) restricted from use on a Credit Memo document. | TN | D |
Vendor Credit Memo | OBJECT_TYPES | Allowed object type code(s) for use on a Credit Memo document. | EE;ES;EX | A |
Vendor Credit Memo |
When set to N, Document Description will include the PO number and Vendor name. When set to Y, Document Description will include the PO number, vendor name and amount. | N | A |
Vendor Credit Memo | REISSUE_NOTE | Note generated when a Credit Memo document is reissued during pre disbursement processing. | Reissued inside PDP. | A |
Vendor Credit Memo | REQUIRE_ATTACHMENT_IND | Indicates whether or not an attachment is required in order for a Credit Memo to route for fiscal approval. | N | A |
Vendor Credit Memo | RESET_NOTE | Note generated when a Credit Memo document is reset during pre disbursement processing | Reset for Extraction by PDP | A |
Vendor Types |
Allowed vendor type(s) for Purchase Order and Requisition documents. | PO | A |
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