Contract Manager Assignment (ACM)
The Contract Manager Assignment (ACM) document displays a list of fully approved requisitions that did not automatically generate a purchase order through the APO process yet are ready to begin the purchasing process. When you assign a contract manager to any of these approved requisitions on this document, the system assigns the contract manager and creates a PO. For information about APOs, refer to Automatic Purchase Order Rules.
The way a Purchasing Department manages its workload varies from institution to institution. Some institutions assign work by commodity (for example, a computer contract manager vs. a contract manager who purchases MRO goods). Other institutions assign work to the person with the fewest projects. Yet others have such a small staff that one contract manager handles all of the work. The Contract Manager Assignment document is designed to handle any type of work distribution.
You do not need to assign a contract manager to every requisition. Any requisitions that are not assigned will be displayed the next time the Contract Manager Assignment document is created.
If no requisitions are available to be assigned a contract manager, a message is displayed indicating that there aren't any requisitions to assign.
Contract Manager
The Contract Manager document is used to establish the list of individuals at the institution who are responsible for managing contracts for specific vendors. When associating a contract with a vendor in the Vendor document, a Contract Manager must be selected.
NOTE: There are two roles that can process purchase orders - Purchasing Processors and Contract Managers. Purchasing processors normally work Purchase Orders on behalf of Contract Managers and can create Purchase Orders up to the Delegated Dollar Limit associated with the Contract Manager.
Most fields on this document are self explanatory, those requiring additional information are described below.
- Contract Manager Name, Published Fax Number and Published Phone Number: The values that will print on Purchase Orders.
- Contract Manager Delegation Dollar Limit: The upper dollar amount for which this contract manager is allowed to delegate approval authority to users in the Purchasing Processor role. Purchase orders above this limit will route to the Contract Manager for approval.
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