The Customer Invoice lets users in Billing Organizations create invoices.
Organization tab
The Organization tab identifies the Processing and Billing Organization associated with the intiator's primary department or the organization qualified with the AR namespace on role 54.
Users with permission "Edit Invoice Processing Organization" will be able to change the Processing and Billing Organizations. This is usually someone in central administration who may need to create invoices on behalf of billing departments associated with other processing organizations.
Recurrence Tab
The Recurrence tab allows you to create recurrences of this invoice.
- Recurrences can be set up monthly or quarterly.
- The Recurrence Begin date is required and must be later than today.
- Fill in either the Recurrence End Date OR the Total Number of Recurrences. The value of the field not completed will be completed based on the value of the completed field.
- Check the Active Indicator.
- Invoice recurrences can be created, edited or inactivated via the Invoice Recurrence maintenance table.
General Tab
The General Tab is used to identify the customer to be billed and other billing information.
- Enter a customer number or lookup and return a customer.
- Enter a Purchase Order number and date if one exists for this invoice.
- The Billing Date is completed by the system and is equal to today.
- The Due Date defaults to 30 days past the Billing Date and can be changed. However, it can not be changed to a date that is greater than the number of days specified in parameter DUE_DATE_DAYS added to the current date.
- Terms will default to the value entered in the Organization Options table and can be changed.
- The Open Invoice Indicator is Yes when there is an open amount on the invoice and No when the invoice no longer has an Open Amount.
- The Header Text will default to the value entered in the Organization Options table and can be changed.
- Attention Line Text does not default and will print on the invoice if completed.
- Print Invoice Indicator defaults from Organization Options table, also known as Print Options, and can be changed. Print Invoice Indicator / Print Options is used by the Customer Invoice Generation page to create a zipped file of pdf invoices for printing or emailing. Regardless of the Print Invoice Indicator, invoices can be printed using the Print button on the invoice any time after the invoice is in a Final status.
- The Print Date is updated with the date the invoice is printed either from the Invoice or from the Customer Invoice Generation page.
Billing/Shipping Tab
When a customer number is selected above, the Bill To Address is filled in with the Primary Address associated with the customer. Use the lookups and refresh button as necessary to locate and specify the unique identifier for a particular customer address for both the Bill To Address and Ship To Address sections.
Accounting Lines
The Invoice Accounting lines hold the traditional accounting fields and fields specific to invoicing items.
- Accounting line defaults can be created in two ways and can be changed:
- The Organization Accounting Defaults maintenance table can be used to create an accounting line default that fills in when an invoice is initiated by a user whose primary department or qualified AR department matches the Billing Organization associated with an existing Organization Accounting Defaults table.
- Item codes can also be set up with accounting, pricing and description defaults using the Customer Invoice Item Code maintenance document. Looking up and returning an invoice item code completes the fields.
- The Tax box will display on the Accounting line when Sales Tax is enabled in the Accounts Receivable module by setting parameter SALES_TAX_IND to Y. When Sales Tax is enabled, the Tax box can be checked, however, tax will not be calculated unless the Customer Ship To and/or Organization Options Postal Codes are added to the Tax Region tables. The Tax Region tables determine the tax rate to assess. Following are the rules when tax will be assessed:
- When the Customer and the item are taxable:
- If the Ship To address is blank, tax is calculated on the Organization Postal Code
- If the Ship To address is not blank, tax is calculated based on the Ship To postal code.
- If the Customer is not taxable, tax is not calculated even if the item is taxable.
- When the Customer and the item are taxable:
General Ledger Pending Entries
When General Ledger Pending Entries are created, the offset posts to the Accounts Receivable object code defined in the Chart table, not to offsets defined in the Offset Definition table.
Post Processing
Customer invoices do not route, unless Invoice Recurrences are entered on the Invoice. If recurrences are added, then the Invoice will route to the Fiscal Officer, optionally to Object Code Review and users assigned to the Invoice Recurrence Instance Reviewer role.
Error Correction
Customer invoices may be error corrected if they were created in the current year and no payments have been applied.
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