Application Doc Status | Description |
Awaiting Accounting Lines | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Awaiting Base Org Review | Document is at the AccountingOrganizationHierarchy route node waiting for Organization Review approval. |
Awaiting Commodity Code | Document is at the Commodity route node waiting for Commodity Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting Content Approval | Document is at the Organization route node has routed for content completion and approval. |
Awaiting Contract Manager Assignment | Document is final and is waiting to become a Purchase Order via Contract Manager Assignment. Workflow status is final. |
Awaiting Fiscal Officer | Document is at the Account route node waiting for fiscal officer / delegate approval. |
Awaiting Object Code Review | Document is at the ObjectCode route node waiting for Object Code Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting Separation of Duties | Document is at the SeparationOfDuties route node waiting for Work has routed to Separation of Duties because the amount of the requisition exceeds the amount in parameter |
Awaiting Sub Account | Document is at the SubAccount Route node waiting for SubAccount Reviewer approval. |
Cancelled | Document has been cancelled after it has been submitted. Workflow status is final. |
Closed | The Requisition has become a Purchase Order. Workflow status is final. |
Disapproved Accounting Lines | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Disapproved Ad Hoc | Document was disapproved when ad hoc routed for approval. |
Disapproved Base Org Review | Document was disapproved at the AccountingOrganizationHierarchy route node. |
Disapproved Commodity Code | Document was disapproved at the Commodity route node. |
Disapproved Content | Document was disapproved at the Organization route node. |
Disapproved Fiscal | Document was disapproved at the Account route node. |
Disapproved Object Code Review | Document was disapproved at the ObjectCode route node. |
Disapproved Separation of Duties | Document was disapproved at the SeparationOfDuties route node. |
Disapproved Sub Account | Document was disapproved at the Subaccount route node. |
In Process | Document has been started, but not submitted. Workflow status is saved. |
Purchase Order
Application Doc Status | Description |
Complete Statuses | |
Cancelled | Document has been cancelled or disapproved. Workflow status is canceled or disapproved. |
Cancelled Change | A Purchase Order Amendment has been canceled. Workflow status is canceled. |
Change in Process | A Purchase Order Amendment, Payment Remove Hold has been initiated. Workflow status will be saved or enroute. |
Closed | The Purchase Order has been closed. Payment Requests cannot be processed against it and encumbrances have been cleared. Workflow status is final. |
Disapproved Budget | Document was disapproved at the Budget route node. |
Disapproved C and G | Document was disapproved at the Award route node. |
Disapproved Change | Purchase Order Amendment was disapproved. Workflow status is disapproved. |
Disapproved Commodity Code | Document was disapproved at the Commodity route node. |
Disapproved Object Code | Document was disapproved at the ObjectCode route node. |
Disapproved Purchasing | Document was disapproved at the ContractManagement route node. |
Disapproved Tax | Document was disapproved at the Tax route node. |
Open | Purchase Order is Open and Payment Requests can be processed against it. Workflow status is Final. |
Pending Amendment | An amendment has been started on the Purchase Order that is not yet complete. |
Pending Close | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Pending Payment Hold | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Pending Remove Hold | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Pending Reopen | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Pending Retransmit | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Pending Void | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Retired Version | There is a more current version of the Purchase Order due to an amendment, retransmit, etc. |
Void | An open purchase order has been voided by Purchasing. |
Incomplete Statuses | |
Awaiting Budget Approval | Document is at the Budget route node waiting for Budget Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting C and G Approval | Docment is at the Award route node waiting for Contracts & Grants Processor approval. |
Awaiting Commodity Code Approval | Document is at the Commodity route node waiting for Commodity Code Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting Fiscal Officer Review | Document is at the Account route node waiting for fiscal officer/delegate approval. |
Awaiting New Unordered Item Review | Purchase Order Amendment created when an unordered item is added to the Line Item Receiving Document. The document is at the NewUnorderedItems route node waiting for Purchasing Processor approval. |
Awaiting Object Code Approval | Document is at the ObjectCode route node waiting for Object Code Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting Purchasing Approval | Document is at the ContractManagement route node waiting for Contract Manager approval. |
Awaiting Tax Approval | Document is at the Tax route node waiting for Tax Manager approval. |
Disapproved New Unordered Item Review | Purchase Order Amendment created when an unordered item was added to the Line Item Receiving document has been disapproved. |
Error occurred sending cxml | The Purchase Order failed to be sent electronically. |
Error occurred sending fax | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
In Process | The Purchase Order has been initiated via Contract Manager Assignment. Workflow status is saved. |
Out for Quote | A quote has been initiated on an In Process Purchase Order. |
Payment Hold | Purchase Order has been placed on payment hold by Purchasing. |
Pending Fax | Method of PO Transmission = Fax. The Purchase Order status will remain Pending Fax until it is faxed. Workflow status is final. |
Pending Print | Method of PO Transmission = Print. The Purchase Order status will remain Pending Print until it is printed. Workflow status is final. |
Pending cxml | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Waiting for Department | Waiting for Additional Info = Department on In Process Purchase Orders. Workflow status is saved. |
Waiting for Vendor | Waiting for Additional Info = Vendor on In Process Purchase Orders. Workflow status is saved. |
Payment Request
Application Doc Status | Description |
Auto-Approved | Document has been approved by the system. FYIs or Acknowledgements will be sent to the fiscal officer when documents are auto approved. |
Awaiting AP Review | Document is at the ImageAttachment route node waiting for Accounts Payable to add an attachment and approve. |
Awaiting Chart Approval | Document is at the AccountingOrganizationHierarchy route node waiting for Organization Review approval. |
Awaiting Fiscal Officer Approval | Document is at the Account route node waiting for fiscal officer / delegate for approval. |
Awating Object Code Approval | Document is at the ObjectCode route node waiting for Object Code Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting Receiving | Document is at the Receiving route node and is waiting for a Line Item Receiving document to be processed against the Purchase Order. Once receiving has occurred batch job receivingPaymentRequestStep will approve the Payment Request on behalf of the system user. |
Awaiting Sub-Account Manager Approval | Document is at the SubAccount Route node waiting for SubAccount Reviewer approval. |
Awaiting Tax Approval | Document is at the Tax route node waiting for Tax Manager approval. |
Cancelled | Document has been cancelled after it has been submitted. Workflow status is final. |
Cancelled In Process | Document has been cancelled prior to submission. Workflow status is cancelled. |
Department-Approved | Document has been manually approved by all required approvers. |
In Process | Document has been initiated from the Payment Request initiation screen and was successfully created. Workflow status is saved. |
Initiated | Document has been initiated from the Payment Request initiation screen and a system issue prevented the Payment Request from being created. |
Pending Route Electronic Invoice | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
Credit Memo
Application Doc Status | Description |
Awaiting AP Review | Waiting for Accounts Payable approval |
Cancelled | Document has been cancelled after it has been submitted. Workflow status is final. |
Cancelled In Process | Document has been cancelled prior to submission. Workflow status is cancelled. |
Complete | Document has been fully approved. Workflow status is final. |
In Process | Document has been initiated from the Vendor Credit Memo initiation screen. Workflow status is saved. |
Initiated | Document has been initiated from the Vendor Credit Memo initiation screen and a system issue prevented the credit memo document from being created. |
Void | This status is not used and will be removed in a future release. |
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