To put a payment hold on a Purchase Order, use Document Search to find the most recent version. Open the PO and click the Payment Hold button.
When you put a Purchase Order on hold:
- A PO Hold (POPH) document is created.
- The PO application document status is changed to Payment Held.
- Payment Requests cannot be initiated against the PO.
- The reason entered when initiating the payment hold is added to the notes and attachments tab of all documents associated with this Purchase Order.
- General Ledger Pending Entries are not created for this document.
The document layout of the POPH document is identical to that of the original Purchase Order, with the addition of a notation regarding status in the Document Header. A notation also displays at the top of the PO document, such as: Warning: There is a pending action on this Purchase Order.
Business Rules
- The POPH document may be initiated only by the members of the Purchasing Processor role.
- The document becomes FINAL when the POPH document is submitted.
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