To remove a payment hold on a Purchase Order, use Document Search to find the most recent version. Open the PO and click the Remove Hold button. The Remove Hold button is available only on the PO documents with Payment Hold status.
When you remove the payment hold on a Purchase Order:
- A Remove Hold (PORH) document is created
- The Purchase Order application document status is changed to Open.
- Payment Requests can be created against the Purchase Order.
- The reason entered when removing the payment hold is added to the notes and attachments tab of all documents associated with this Purchase Order.
- General Ledger Pending Entries are not created for this document.
The document layout of the PORH document is identical to that of the original Purchase Order, with the addition of a notation regarding status in the Document Header. A notation also displays at the top of the PO document, such as: Warning: There is a pending action on this Purchase Order.
Business Rules
- The PORH document may be initiated only by the members of the Purchasing Processor role.
- The document becomes FINAL when the PORH document is submitted.
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