We are excited to announce that Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) has been moved into Kuali Financials. This was the final step in moving us away from unsupported Rice.
What this means
All documents related to Rice are accessible from the Financials dashboard. This includes...
- Routing & Identity Management Document Type Hierarchy has been renamed Document Type Hierarchy
- Document Operations
- Document Type
- Action List
- Document Search
- XML Ingester
Route Log
The Route Log aka View link has been added back to Doc Search and Action List.
Items to be aware of:
Refresh Navigation
Users will need to Refresh Navigation in order to
- Clear their browser cache of URLs with "kr" - if this is not done, you will get an Our Apologies error
- Update their Action Lists
The Refresh Navigation link is on the left hand side menu, under your user name.
Action List Email Notification Parameters
The following parameters will need to be updated:
FROM_ADDRESS = to the address you want email notifications to come from.
If a link is not working from Favorites, remove the link and refavorite it.
Known Issues
Fixed in the 2/4/2021 Release
- Notes and attachments were duplicated on disapproved Requisitions and Purchase Orders
Fixed in the 2/18/2021 Release
- Parameter documents created prior to the KEW migration were not opening properly
Fixed in the 2/26/2021 Release
- Documents route status was not being changed with Document Operations
Fixed in the 3/11/2021 Release
- There was an issue with routing documents to groups
- KIM triggers (which could interfere with running KEW liquibase) were dropped
Fixed in the 4/01/2021 Release
- The daily/weekly email reminder jobs that came over from Rice with the KEW work required Quartz and would not work with a different batch scheduler. Since we already have unscheduled versions of these jobs in Financials: dailyEmailJob and weeklyEmailJob we eliminated the ones that came from Rice. One thing to note is that there were properties that could be used to schedule these (formerly Rice/KEW versions of the dailyEmail.cronExpression and weeklyEmail.cronExpression jobs) and these properties have been removed because they did not have set values by default. Partners who wish to schedule these jobs would need to do so with a trigger for quartz or via their own batch scheduler.
Fixed in the 4/08/2021 Release
- The Stuck Documents batch jobs required Quartz and would not work with a different batch scheduler. We moved the Stuck Documents jobs to scheduled / unscheduled jobs and updated / removed the Stuck Documents parameters.
Fixed in the 9/23/2021 Release
- We fixed an issue with Asset Separate and Asset Retirement Global, External Transfer that was preventing these documents from going to Final or Processed.
Fixed in the 9/30/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue that was preventing documents from routing to exception.
Fixed in the 9/30/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue that was preventing documents from routing to exception.
Fixed in the 10/14/2021 Release
- Group document: selecting a namespace before selecting a name type returns a stack trace. If the name type is selected first, the namespace can be selected without error.
Fixed in the 12/15/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue that was preventing DVTX (Nonresident Tax Percent) from being opened successfully from Doc Search.
Fixed in the 1/05/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue that was preventing adhoc routing by group when the Group name was entered but namespace code was left blank.
Fixed in the 1/19/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue where the XML Ingester would ingest doc type xml with invalid classes. This could result in problems with workflow routing for the affected doc types.
Fixed in the 2/09/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue where pressing Enter after entering a principal name next to the Help Desk button on the Action List was going to Workflow Preferences instead of the users Action List.
- We resolved an issue when opening usaved maintenance documents where users were seeing an incident report instead of the appropriate message.
Fixed in the 2/20/2021 Release
- We improved the performance of displaying the Route Log and Future Action Requests.
Fixed in the 3/23/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue where the Route Log was not always reflecting expected changes after a document was requeued.
- We resolved an issue where the Stuck Documents Report and stuck documents batch jobs were not picking up enroute documents without pending approve requests if they had pending FYI or ACK requests.
- We resolved an issue where the Action List Email preferences displayed a blank page when attempting to add a Document Type Notification.
- We resolved an issue with Message Queue filtering where filters were not persisting between page refreshes.
Fixed in the 3/30/2021 Release
- We resolved an issue that prevented some (older, created prior to the Workflow move to Financials) Vendor (PVEN) documents from being opened..
For testing suggestions, see Workflow Testing.
For technical details, see Technical Guide for the Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) move to Financials.
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