Account Manager: Role. An individual at either the Departmental level or the Responsibility level who has the responsibility for ensuring that funds are spent and managed according to the goals, objectives and mission of the organization, to ensure that the funds are being spent according to a budgeted plan and that the allocation of expenditures is appropriate to the function identified for the account.
Account Supervisor: Role. An individual at either the Departmental or the Responsibility Center level who oversees the management of the account at a higher-level than the Fiscal Officer.
Automatic Purchase Order (APO): Term. The Automatic Purchase Order (APO) is automatically generated when a requisition document is fully approved and all the APO rules are met. APO rules are: requisition total is less than the APO limit for the departmental organization (value set by Purchasing), requisition total is greater than 0, there are no restricted items, the vendor has been selected from the vendor lookup, the vendor is not a restricted vendor, the requisition is not a recurring payment type of request, the departmental organization has not set an PO Total Cannot Exceed amount, the requisition has not added alternate vendor names, the funds will be encumbered in the current fiscal year, the requisition does not contain a trade-in and discount line item, the requisition does not have a capital asset object code on any line items. An APO document can only be created under certain conditions, as specified in the business rules set up by the institution.
Contract Manager: Role. An individual who performs the duties of buyer and manages the contracts of the institution. Responsibilities include but are not limited to vendor selection, reasons for vendor choice and POtransmission method.
De-Merge: Term. A General Ledger process that prevents Kuali Financials from posting out-of-balance transactions. If there is an error in any transaction row a document, the De-Merger removes the entire document from the Scrubber and redirects it to an error file accessible via the General Ledger Correction Process document type.
Document Type: Term. Document Type is used to distinguish between the different types of transactions (e.g., Cash Receipts, Disbursement Vouchers) or maintenance actions (e.g., Account or Fund Group maintenance) possible in Kuali Financials as well as transactions that can be fed from external systems. A separate Workflow Document Type defines the routing behavior of Kuali Financials documents.
Document Type Hierarchy: A hierarchy of Document Type definitions. Document Types inherit certain attributes from their parent Document Types. This hierarchy is also leveraged by various pieces of the system, including the Rules engine when evaluating rule sets and KIM when evaluating certain Document Type-based permissions. For more information, see the article on +
Enterprise Feed: Term. A file of accounting transactions from an external system, for upload to the General Ledger.
Exception: Term. A workflow routing status indicating that the document routed to an exception queue because workflow has encountered a system error when trying to process a rule.
Fiscal Officer: Role. An attribute of Account; the individual who is responsible for the financial transactions of a particular account. Most documents will route to the Fiscal Officer for approval.
Flexible Offset: Term. An optional Kuali Financials function that allows transactions impacting one account to generate appropriate offsets in a different account. If this feature is not used, Kuali Financials always generates offsets in the same account to which the original transaction posted.
Force Action: A true/false flag that indicates if previous Routing for approval will be ignored when an Action Request is generated. The flag is used in multiple contexts where requests are generated (e.g., rules, ad hoc routing). If Force Action is False, then prior Actions taken by a user can satisfy newly generated requests. If it is True, then the user needs to take another Action to satisfy the request.
Fund Manager: Role. An individual repsonsible for the management for Contracts and Grants Invoices by Award. Derived from the Award document.
Income Stream Account: Term. The account designated to receive general funds as part of the budget process for institutional funds, or the account designated to receive income from the sponsoring agency on contract and grant funds. When Budget Adjustments that involve accounts with different income stream accounts are made, Kuali Financials can be configured to create a Transfer of Funds transaction to properly adjust cash between the income stream accounts.
Labor Ledger: Term. Database that stores detailed payroll information that is fed from the institutions payroll system. Effort Certification uses it to build Effort Certifcations and Budget Construction uses it to build Budget Construction documents. Summarized transactions are fed to the General Ledger.
Maintenance Document: Term. A document used to establish and maintain a Kuali table record (for example, account, sub-account, object code, sub-object code, project, organization, user, role, delegate, or review hierarchy).
Post Processor: Term. A routing component that is notified by the workflow engine about various events pertaining to the routing of a specific document (e.g., node transition, status change, action taken). The implementation of a Post Processor is typically specific to a particular set of Document Types. When all required approvals are completed, the engine notifies the Post Processor accordingly. At this point, the Post Processor is responsible for completing the business transaction in the manner appropriate to its Document Type.
Poster: Term. The accounting cycle process that generates reversals and indirect cost entries for the G/L, and ultimately posts entries to the General Ledger or Labor Ledger tables.
Pre-Encumbrance: Term. An unofficial encumbrance. Pre-Encumbrances are used to reserve funds in anticipation of an official encumbrance created with a Purchase Order or salary transaction.
Role: Term. Kuali Financials uses roles to control routing and authorization, restricting certain functions to the members of a given group. Roles aggregate Permissions and Responsibilities. When Roles are given to Entities (via their relationship with Principals) or Groups, an authorization for all associated Permissions is granted.
Route Log: Term. A special workflow function that displays the Routing history of a given document or selected documents. The documents are displayed in a separate window from the action lists, and Documents Searches. The Route Log displays a table of general document information for the document and a detailed list of current Actions Taken and pending Action Requests.
Scrubber: Term. A General Ledger batch processor that performs transaction validation and generation. It adds some missing values, validates against the Chart of Accounts and the application of continuation account logic; generates offsets and entries including document balancing, capitalization of assets and liabilities, plant indebtedness, cost share transfers and cost share encumbrances; and handles post-batch process errors by identifying errors to be corrected using the General Ledger Correction Process document.
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