Following is a list of the Reference tables used in the Vendor module. The reference data created in these tables can be used in other reference tables, parameters or are part of the accounting string directly entered on a transactional document. Most tables are self explanatory and do not require a separate article. Those that need additional explanation are linked to specific articles.
Table |
Description |
Used in... |
Address Type |
Defines the code used for categorizing various types of vendor addresses. |
Campus Parameter |
Defines the Purchasing department information for each campus code. The Campus Parameter lookup is accessed from the Requisition and Purchase Order Delivery Campus in the Delivery tab. The value selected determines which Billing Address will be added to the Payment Info tab. |
Chapter 3 Status |
Defines Chapter 3 Statuses that can be selected on the vendor document. |
Chapter 4 Status |
Defines Chapter 4 Statuses that can be selected on the vendor document. |
Defines categories of purchased items from a vendor by assigning a set of attributes to a code. |
Purchasing Accounting Lines |
Contact Type |
Defines the types of vendor contacts that can be used on the Vendor record to help direct inquiries to the vendor, for example, Accounts Receivable, Parts, Maintenance, etc. |
Contract Manager |
Defines the individuals at the institution responsible for managing contracts, which can then be associated with specific vendors. |
Cost Source |
Defines the codes that identify how the cost on the PO was determined. The cost source will always be estimate unless the vendor was selected from the Contract lookup. In that case the cost source associated with the contract is used. Referred to as Payment Request Cost Source on the Payment Request, which is populated from the Purchase Order Cost Source. The Item Unit Price Upper and Lower Variance Percent values maintained in the Cost Source table are used by the Electronic Invoice process to determine if a unit price is within an acceptable variance.
Ownership Type |
Defines the vendor for tax and reporting purposes, for example, that the vendor is an individual, corporation, or non-profit entity. It also indicates if vendors of this type can be further defined using an Ownership Type Category. |
Ownership Type Category |
Further defines a vendor's ownership within Ownership Type. |
Payment Terms Type |
Defines the codes used to indicate a vendor's payment terms |
Phone Type |
Defines the codes used to identify various categories of vendor phone or fax numbers. |
Shipping Payment Terms |
Defines the codes used to identify the terms that can be used for the payment of shipping charges for purchases from a vendor. |
Shipping Special Conditions |
Defines various categories of commodities that require special shipping considerations. |
Shipping Title |
Defines the codes to specify when title for goods purchased is transferred from the vendor to the institution. |
Supplier Diversity |
Defines codes used to identify suppliers that may merit special consideration due to their size, ownership, geographical location, or other criteria stipulated by the Small Business Administration (SBA). |
Vendor |
Allows you to establish or maintain information about vendors in Kuali Financials. Three options are presented when selecting the Vendor option:
Vendor Contract |
Allows you to quickly identify vendor contracts by description, vendor, and/or payment terms. |
Vendor Inactive Reason |
Defines codes that indicate the reason a vendor has been inactivated in the system. |
Vendor Type |
Defines the different types of vendors that can be established in Kuali Financials. |
W-8 Type |
Defines the different types of W-8 forms and allowable Ownership Types for each. New values require coding and existing values can be edited. |
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