The Commodity Code document defines categories of items purchased from a vendor by assigning a set of attributes to a code.
The following parameters are used to configure functionality around Commodity Codes:
- ENABLE_DEFAULT_VENDOR_COMMODITY_CODE_IND: When set to Y commodity codes assigned to the selected vendor will default on the line items.
- AUTO_ADD_COMMODITY_CODES_TO_VENDOR_IND: When set to Y commodity codes are automatically added to vendors when a Requisition becomes a Purchase Order. The first commodity code added, in this way, will be made the default for the vendor.
- B2B_COMMODITY_CODE: Commodity code that will be added to purchase order lines created from shop catalog requisitions when commodity codes are required on the Purchase Order.
- ENABLE_COMMODITY_CODE_IND: When set to Y the commodity code field displays on the Requisition and Purchase Order line items.
- ITEMS_REQUIRE_COMMODITY_CODE_IND (Components: Requisition and Purchase Order): When set to Y commodity code is required on the Requisition and/or Purchase Order above the line items.
- UNORDERED_ITEM_DEFAULT_COMMODITY_CODE: If commodity code is enabled and required on purchase order items the commodity code specified in this parameter will be used on unordered items when a Purchase Order Amendment document is created from a Line Item Receiving document.
Commodity Code
- Commodity Code: Commodity codes can be used to categorize purchases. Kuali Financials is not delivered with a commodity code structure, but the system is designed so that industry standards can be loaded into the table or your organization can adopt its own coding structure.
- Commodity Code Description: A description of the commodity code.
Sales Tax Indicator: Indicates if sales tax should be assessed on this commodity code when the Sales Tax functionality is enabled.
Restricted Items Indicator: Indicates if there are restrictions on items associated with this commodity code. Requisitions using commodity codes with restricted indicators route to Purchasing.
- Sensitive Data: The type of sensitive data for the commodity code. Existing sensitive data descriptions may be retrieved from the list or from the lookup icon. Sensitive data is managed by the Sensitive Data lookup and maintenance documents.
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