The Vendor (PVEN) document is used to establish or maintain information about vendors in Kuali Financials. Vendors created using this document are available for use on various purchasing documents (such as Requisition, Purchase Order, and Disbursement Voucher documents).
Create Division
The Vendor document offers a unique option from the Vendor Detail Lookup screen, called Create Division. This option is available only for parent vendors (that is, vendors for which the Vendor Parent Indicator on the Vendor tab is set to Yes).
The Create Division option allows you to group entities under the same corporate office with the same Tax ID (parent vendor). You might use this feature to add information about the separate divisions or branches, without having to duplicate the corporate information. A division has a different name from the parent.
When you click the create division link, a new Vendor document is initiated and the information from the Corporate Information section of the Vendor tab is copied from its Corporate Vendor and remains display-only.
The Vendor tab collects fundamental information about a vendor such as the name, tax status and details. It is composed of three sections: General Information, Corporate Information and Detail Information sections.
General Information
- Vendor Number is a unique, system-generated number that identifies this vendor, assigned at the time the document is approved.
- Vendor Name is a required but can be entered in one of two ways: as one field or as separate first and last name fields.
Corporate Information
The Corporate Information section includes the vendor tax information, such as tax number, ownership type, which tax forms are on file and any special withholdings or debarred information. Data in this section is readonly for vendor divisions and can only be modified on the parent vendor. Several fields on this tab are self explanatory, those needing additional explanation are described below.
- Vendor Type is a required field which determines on which Kuali Financials documents the vendor can be used. For example, only Purchase Order vendors can be selected for Requisitions or Purchase Orders.
- US Tax Number and Tax Number Type are required fields unless the vendor is marked as a foreign vendor. Tax Number is masked to everyone except the Tax Identification Number User role, as well as Date of Birth, Foreign Tax ID and GIIN Code.
- Country of Incorporation or Citizenship: If parameter W8_DATA_REQUIRED_IND is set to Y, this field is required if W8 Received equals Yes.
- Institutions can define if W-8 and W-9 fields are required via parameters. See Vendor Parameters for details.
- Backup Withholding Begin and End: Reporting only. Can be used to specify the begin and end dates if the vendor is subject to backup withholdings.
- Debarred designation indicates that an institution has been barred from doing business with this vendor by the state or federal government. Selecting a debarred vendor on a Requisition would cause the document to fail APO rules and require Purchasing to approve the request. Selecting a debarred vendor on a Purchase Order would send a warning to the Purchasing user and require them to provide justification for the purchase.
Detail Information
The Detail Information section contains additional data about the vendor including payment and shipping terms, payment method and whether or not they are restricted or inactive and why. Several fields on this tab are self explanatory, those needing additional explanation are described below.
- Payment Terms: Specifies the number of days after the invoice date when a payment is due and whether a discount is available if payment is made within the discount period. This data is populated on a Requisition and Purchase Order when the vendor is selected and is used to default the pay date on Payment Requests.
- Default Payment Method: Indicates the Payment Method that should default on Disbursement Vouchers or Payment Requests when this vendor is selected. The Payment Method table determines which available payment methods can be added to a vendor.
- Pre-Payment: Indicates whether or not this vendor accepts pre-payments. This field is informational only.
- Credit Card: Indicates whether or not this vendor accepts credit card payments. This field is informational only.
Taxable Indicator: When parameter ENABLE_SALES_TAX_IND = Y, this field determines who will collect sales or use tax. If the vendor is going to pay the tax and the institution doesn’t have to collect it, then the Taxable indicator is set to Y. Yes, the vendor will collect the tax. N, Vendor will not collect the tax and the school needs to.
- Minimum Order Amount: Used when the vendor requires a minimum order amount. This field is informational only.
- DUNS Number is a unique identifier for businesses that register with Dun and Bradstreet. Electronic invoicing uses the DUNS number to identify the vendor when creating a Payment Request.
- Confirmation: Indicates whether or not the vendor needs a printed or faxed copy of a PO if the order has been phoned in. Select No if an additional confirmation copy of the PO is not required by the vendor. This field is informational only.
Restricted fields: When Restricted is set to Yes:
- The Restricted Date and Restricted By Principal Name are populated on save or submit.
- Requisitions using this vendor will not qualify to become an Automatic Purchase Order (APO) and will route to Purchasing for processing.
- Remit Name: This field is informational only and does not carry forward to Payments Requests or Disbursement Vouchers.
- Active Indicator: Indicates if the vendor is active. If marked inactive, the Inactive Reason is required.
The Address tab collects address information for a vendor. Different types of addresses may be entered, such as one for mailing purchase orders and another for remittance of payments. Vendors of a particular type may be required to have at least one address of a certain type (such as at least one remit to address). Every vendor must have one default address.
Address Types are maintained with the Address Type table. Setting the Default Vendor Indicator=Yes, will allow this address type to set as the default.
After an address is added, you have the option to set this address as the default for a specific campus.
The Contact tab collects contact information for a vendor. Different types of contacts may be entered, such as sales, technical and customer service representatives.
After a contact is entered, you have the option to add contact phone numbers.
Supplier Diversity
The Supplier Diversity tab is used to indicate if any recognized supplier diversity categories apply to this vendor. The Small Business Administration has defined supplier diversity categories which may be based on size (small business), ownership (woman or minority owned), and/or geographical location (local).
Shipping Special Conditions
The Shipping Special Conditions tab is used to indicate whether Accounts Payable is allowed to pay for additional freight charged when the vendor invoices for goods or services. Examples might include radioactive, hazardous materials or live animal.
Vendor Commodity Codes
The Vendor Commodity Codes tab is used to assign commodity codes to this vendor. A commodity code may be added only by a Purchasing department staff member.
The Purchasing department assigns commodity codes to vendors in order to track spending by category. A vendor may be assigned multiple commodity codes. For example, a local company that both prints and designs documents might have two different commodity codes, one for printing and one for design.
Commodity Codes may be added to the vendor record automatically from Purchase Orders that contain commodity codes that do not yet exist on the vendor record. The first commodity code added, in this way, will be made the default for the vendor. This automatic addition can be disabled by setting the system parameter AUTO_ADD_COMMODITY_CODES_TO_VENDOR_IND is set to N.
Search Alias
The Search Alias tab is used to define other names that may be used when searching for this vendor.
Vendor Phone Number
The Vendor Phone Number tab collects phone numbers for this vendor. It may be used to define various types of phone numbers. Examples of different phone number types include Toll Free, Mobile and Purchase Order.
Customer Number
The Customer Number tab collects information about numbers the vendor uses to identify your institution. Multiple customer numbers may exist for the same vendor and they are specific to a chart and organization.
The Contracts tab collects information about contracts your institution has with this vendor. It includes information such as who manages the contract for your institution, when it begins and ends, any special payment or shipping terms that may specifically apply to the vendor. The Contracts tab is editable only by the authorized users.
Process Overview
Business Rules
- Either Vendor Name or Vendor Last Name and Vendor First Name fields must be filled.
- If Vendor Name field is entered, Vendor First Name and Vendor Last Name fields must be blank.
- If Vendor First Name and Vendor Last Name fields have been entered, the Vendor Name field must be blank.
- Tax number must be 9-digits and cannot be all zeros.
- The first three digits of an SSN cannot be 000 or 666.
- The middle two digits of an SSN cannot be 00.
- The last four digits of an SSN cannot be 0000.
- The first two digits of a FEIN cannot be 00.
- The vendor's Tax Number must be unique by Tax Number Type (no two SSNs may be the same, but one vendor’s SSN may be the same as another’s FEIN).
- Vendors of type Purchase Order must have an address of the type Purchase Order.
- Vendors of type Disbursement Voucher must have an address of the type Remit.
- A vendor must have one and only one address marked as a default address.
- If a country for an address is United States then state and zip code are required.
- If the Category Allowed Indicator for a specific ownership type is N (No) then vendor category must be left blank.
- If the Ownership Type is listed in parameter SSN_OWNERSHIP_TYPES then the tax number type must be SSN.
- If the Ownership Type is listed in parameter FEIN_OWNERSHIP_TYPES then the tax number type must be FEIN.
- If the Vendor Type Tax Number Required equals Yes and the vendor is not flagged as foreign, the Tax Number is required.
- Contract begin date must be earlier than contract end date.
Only users with the
View Inquiry or Maintenance Document Section vendorNotes
permission can view the notes/attachments on the Vendor Inquiry.
- The document routes to the Vendor Type route level based on the vendor type on the document when the following changes are made:
- New Vendors
Changes to specified fields can trigger routing and is controlled by Routing Field Configuration.
- The initiator receives an FYI notification when the Vendor is fully approved. The FYI includes the new vendor number.
- The Vendor document includes a separation of duties route node. If the initiator is also an approver, it will route to the other approvers for approval.
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