Contracts & Grants Invoices may be error corrected if no payments have been applied.
Error corrected Contracts & Grants Invoice amounts are updated as follows:
General tab:
- The Last Billed Date for the Award Account(s) and the Award are reset to the previous Last Billed Date.
- Final Billed is reset to No on the Award if Final Billed was set to Yes on the invoice being corrected.
- Amounts in the Total Previously Billed, Total Amount Billed to Date and Amount Remaining to Bill columns all reflect the reversal of the original invoice amount
Invoice Details and Account Summary tabs:
- Invoice Amount for all lines is reversed.
- Budget Remaining, Total Previously Billed, Total Amount Billed to Date and Amount Remaining To Bill are recalculated for all lines.
Error corrected Contracts & Grants Invoices:
- Do not check for or display suspension categories.
- Do not display the Transmission Details tab.
- Do not generate invoice pdf files.
- Route to final status when submitted by the Fund Manager.
- Allow Fund Managers to create new Contracts & Grants Invoices for the current billing period to replace the error corrected invoice.
When the Invoicing Option for the Award is Milestone and the invoice is error corrected, Milestones from the original invoice are reset to unbilled, the Completion Date is removed, and the milestones are editable again.
When the Invoicing Option for the Award is Predetermined Billing schedule and the invoice is error corrected, the Bills from the original invoice are reset to unbilled and the Bills are editable again.
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