Contracts & Grants Invoices are generally created via the contractsGrantsInvoiceDocumentJob which runs nightly. However, there may be a need to create a CBG Invoice manually using the Contracts & Grants Invoice lookup. Refer to the CGB - Manually Creating Contracts & Grants Invoice article for instructions.
The Contracts & Grants Invoice and the batch process create invoices in three different formats. Cost Reimbursable, Pre-Determined Billing Schedule and Milestone. The LOC Review process creates invoices in the Cost Reimbursable format.
The Contracts & Grants Invoice lookup will only show awards for which you are the fund manager and that are eligible for invoicing. If you would look like to see all the Awards for which you are a Fund Manager, use the Award Lookup.
CGB Invoice Document Layout
The following section describes the CGB Invoice documents that are created either via batch or manually.
Depending on the invoicing option for the Award, each type of Contracts & Grants Invoice document contains five or six unique tabs: Organization, General, Invoice Details OR Milestones OR Scheduled Bills, Account Summary, Invoice Suspension Categories, and Transmission Details (not present on LOC Invoices), in addition to the standard financial transaction tabs.
Document Overview
When Contracts & Grants Invoices (CINV) are created, the Description in the Document Overview is populated with the Award number, the Primary Fund Manager and the Contract Control Account if one has been assigned to the accounts associated with the Award. Refer to the Document Header article for additional information on this tab. NOTE: The Document Description, Explanation and Organization Document Number can be edited by the Fund Manager prior to approval.
Organization Tab
Displays the Billing and Processing organizations associated with the Fund Managers primary department or role 54 Accounts Receivable module qualification. Refer to the Billing and Processing Organizations article for additional information.
General Tab
Cost Reimbursable and Letter of Credit General tab
Milestone and Predetermined Billing Schedule General tab
Billing Summary
When an award’s Invoicing Option is set to Invoice by Account, Invoice by Contract Control Account or Invoice by Schedule some amounts on the General Tab on the Contracts & Grants Invoice may not equal the totals found in the Invoice Details or Account Summary tabs. This is because the General tab reflects the totals for all accounts on the Award (even though they are billed on separate invoices). The General Tab totals may also include amounts on saved or enroute invoices for the Award.
Billing Period: The Billing Period on Cost Reimbursable (L invoices can be adjusted by the Fund Manager. Billing Period will not display on Milestone or
- Click on the Adjust Billing Period button, enter a note explaining why the billing period needs to be adjusted.
- Once the note is added, the Billing Period becomes editable - the format is MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY
Final Bill Indicator: is editable while the document is enroute or saved and the Bill Date is greater than the Award Stop Date:
If the Final Bill is checked - when the user selects Final Bill indicator and the billing period end date (accounting period end date) is less than the project end date, a warning displays: "Final bill indicator is set prior to the project end date, proceed (Yes/No)"?
If Yes is clicked, the Final Bill indicator is set to Yes
- If No is clicked, the user is returned to the CINV.
The Final Bill Indicator can be changed after the document is Final by using the Set/Clear Final Bill buttons. When this button is clicked, a note authored by KFS is added to the document: “[user name] updated Final Bill to [Yes/No]”
The Final Bill buttons will not display on error corrected documents.
- The Calculate Button can be used to recalculate the Total Amount Billed To Date to reflect changes made in the Invoice Details section.
- Cost Share Amount can be manually updated to reflect Cost Share associated with this award.
Last Billed Date:
- Cost Reimbursable and LOC: The last day of the current billing cycle, usually the last day of the prior month, quarter or year.
- Milestone and Predetermined Billing: The most recently billed schedule.
Customer Information
The Customer is the customer associated with the Agency assigned to the Award. Refer to the CGB - Additional Fields and Tabs - Agency for additional information.
Invoice Tab
The Invoice Tab will change depending on the type of Invoice that is generated based on Billing Frequency selected for the award: Cost Reimbursable (annually, LOC Billing, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually) , Milestone (milestone) and Pre-Determined Billing (pre-determined billing).
Invoice Details - Cost Reimbursable and Letter of Credit Draw Invoices
Cost Categories are maintained with the Cost Category maintenance document. Refer to the Cost Category article for more information.
The Invoice amount is calculated by:
- using the object codes and amounts in the AR Billed table (AR_AWD_ACCT_OBJ_TOT_BLLD_T)
- Find the cumulative amount for each account and object code in the GL Balances table
- Take the GL Balance and subtract the amount in the AR Billed table, if there isn’t a balance in the GL, use 0.
- In the event that a balance no longer exists in the GL due to moving the expenditure after it was invoiced, there will be a negative line on the invoice.
Milestones are managed with the Milestone Schedule maintenance document. Refer to the Milestone Schedule article for additional information.
Scheduled Bills
Scheduled Bills are managed with the Predetermined Billing Schedule maintenance document. Refer to the Predetermined Billing Schedule article for additional information.
Account Summary
Reflects the activity of the accounts associated with this invoice. The General Ledger Entries that are created are based on the invoicing option. The revenue object code is determined by the Organization Accounting Defaults table; the AR receivable object code is determined based on the Accounts Receivable object code defined in the Chart table
- If the Invoice Option is Invoice by Contract Control Account, the AR entries will post to the Contract Control Account. The Contract Control Account is added to the accounts associated with the awards.
- All other invoicing options, Invoice by Account, Invoice by Schedule or Invoice by Award will post AR entries to the accounts listed in the Account Summary.
Invoice Suspension Categories Tab
Invoice Suspension Categories require code to create new values or to modify existing values, therefore, there isn’t a related maintenance table. Refer to the CGB - Suspension Categories article for a list of suspension categories.
Note: If the invoice suspends because Stop Work or Additional Forms Required are checked on the Award, the Additional Forms Description and Stop Work Reason will display.
Transmission Details
Keeps track of when invoices have been mailed or emailed. This tab will not display on LOC CINVs. Refer to the CGB - Invoice Transmission article for additional information.
General Ledger Pending Entries
The General Ledger Pending Entries are determined by the Contracts & Grants Invoice Object Code table. Income (or Deferred Revenue) and Receivable object codes can be set at either the Fund Group, Sub-Fund Group or the Sub-Fund Type Code. The system will look for the lowest level value to determine the appropriate object codes to use - if there isn't a Sub-Fund Type code, it will look for a Sub-Fund Code, if there isn't a sub-fund code, then it will look for a Fund Group. If no values have been defined, the invoice will not be created and will be added to the Contracts & Grants Invoice Errors log.
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