Most testing will require that batches be run in order to post transactions to the Labor or General Ledger, or to create documents or other transactions.
Steps to run Batch Jobs
When a test process requires that batches are run, the batch jobs with their names will be listed in the order that they should be run. We also have created some test batch jobs that can be run in stg and tst environments.
Following are the steps to run a batch job.
- Log in as khuntley.
- Use Jump To to search for Batch Schedule. Or open Batch Schedule from the System dashboard
- The Batch Job Lookup opens.
- Enter the job name in the Job Name field.
- Select Unscheduled Job Group.
- Click Search.
- Click the Modify link to open the Modify Batch Job page.
- Click Run to update the Job Status. It might be pending, running or succeeded.
If you have to run additional jobs, you can click the Return to Lookup button to return to the Batch Schedule Lookup. From here you can look up the job you just ran to verify it succeeded and/or to run the next job in the sequence.
If a job fails or you want to see a file or report generated by the job, refer to the Batch File article for additional information.
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