The following instructions will create an asset for processing in Capital Assets Management. The Capital Asset tab only needs to be completed if you need to follow the asset information from Requisition to Purchase Order to Pre-Asset Tagging to Capital Asset. Using accounts in the BL Chart - such as 1031400 - will not require that the Asset tab be completed on the Requisition or Purchase Order. cabExtractJob will still pick up the Payment Request for processing even though there isn't any capital asset information. Payment Requests also do not need to be approved to be picked up by cabExtract, they post to the General Ledger when batches run regardless of their workflow status.
Create a Requisition
Log in as khuntley
Jump to Requisition
Overview tab
- Description: Enter something
Delivery tab
- If not completed, complete.
- Building Code: BL001
- Room: 123
Vendor tab
- Click the magnifying glass next to Suggested Vendor. Look up and return a Vendor, Bob the Builder or ABC Cleaning Services. You have to do a lookup and return a vendor from the database vs entering a vendor free form in order for the system to know that a valid vendor has been selected.
Item tab
- Quantity: 1
- Description: Stuff
- Unit Cost: 5000
- Click the add button
- Open the accounting line - click the $ icon
- Chart: BA or BL (note: the BA chart will require that you complete the Asset tab)
- Account: 6044900 or 1031400
- Object: 7000
- Click the add button
Capital Asset tab - skip this step if you don't need to follow capital asset information from Requisition to Purchase Order to Capital Asset Management - it will be required if an account in the BA chart is used
- Capital Asset System Type: Individual Assets
- Capital Asset System State: New System
- Click Select
- Capital Asset Transaction Type: New
- Capital Asset Note Text: test
- Asset Type: 07008
- Manufacturer: Dell
- Model Number: XJ4
- Item Quantity: 1
- Building: BL001 (tab out wait for the page to come back)
- Room: 001
- Click Add
Additional Institutional Info tab
- Method of PO Transmission: NO PRINT
Click Calculate
Click Blanket Approve
Create the PO
Log in as parke
Jump to Contract Manager Assignment
- Enter 10 in the Contract Manager Assignment field
- Submit
- Use Doc Search to find the Purchase Order
- Open the Purchase Order, select a Vendor Choice - any one is fine
- Calculate then Submit
- Note the Purchase Order number, different than the Document Number
- Reload the Purchase Order verify that the Document Status = Final and the Application Document Status = Open.
- If the Application Status is Pending Print, click the Print button on the Purchase Order.
- If the Document Status is Enroute, either log in as khuntley and Super User Approve the PO (Super User Action tab) or log in as each approver and approve the PO. Refer to the Super User article for additional details.
Pre-Asset Tagging
NOTE: Skip this section if you are NOT testing Pre-Asset Tagging.
- Log in as khuntley
- Jump to Batch Schedule - run batch job preAssetTaggingExtractJob - refer to the How to Run Batches article for details.
- Jump to Pre-Asset Tagging
- Search
- Edit
- Enter a description; complete required fields, add a location.
- Submit
Create the PREQ
Log in as abeal
Jump to Payment Request
- Enter the PO number
- Invoice number (I usually use the PO number again)
- Invoice Date
- Amount
- Continue
- On the Payment Request, click Load Qty Invoiced, Calculate, Submit
Run Batches
Log in as khuntley
Jump to Batch Schedule - run the following batches - refer to the How to Run Batches article for details
- nightlyOutJob
- ScrubberJob
- PosterJob
- ClearPendingEntriesJob
- cabExtractJob
Create the Asset
Log in as bomiddle
Jump to Asset Processing Accounts Payable
- Click Search
- Click Process
- Click process
- Click Create Asset
- If you did not complete the Capital Asset tab on the Requisition or the Purchase Order, complete the necessary information.
- If Pre-Asset Tagging was completed for this PO, the Acquisition Type = P-Pre-Asset Tagging; otherwise it will be N-New Asset.
- Information entered on the Pre-Asset Tagging document will override information entered in Requisition and/or Purchase Order Capital Asset tab.
- Blanket Approve
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