The Calculated Salary Foundation (CSF) Tracker Lookup allows users to view the detailed history of a position as calculated by the CSF Tracker. All personnel actions recorded by the CSF Tracker for the fiscal year are shown on this inquiry.
Calculated Salary Foundation Tracker Lookup
Populating this lookup requires an integration with the payroll system. The integration is not currently delivered. It's intended to show the planned budget and FTE as of July 1. Changes are reflected in the CSF columns. All changes made to a position are summarized here.
Most fields on this lookup are self explanatory. Those needing additional explanation are described below.
- July 1 Budget Amount and FTE: Budget and FTE loaded for each position as of July 1. These columns will remain unchanged over the year.
- CSF Amount and CSF Full Time Employment Quantity: Reflects the positions current funding and FTE.
- CSF Funding Status: This field can be used to indicate whether the CSF line has budget commitments.
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