Component | Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Parameter Value | Parameter Constraint Code |
Balance Forward | BALANCE_SHEET_BALANCE_TYPES | Asset, liability and fund balance balance types selected by the balanceForwardJob when rolling balances forward to the next fiscal year. The entries will post with fiscal period BB, Beginning Balance. | AC;NB | A |
Balance Forward | INCEPTION_TO_DATE_BALANCE_TYPES | Balance types that will be rolled forward to create income and expense inception to date balances by the balanceForwardJob. The entries will post with fiscal period CB, Cumulative Balance. Used in conjunction wth INCEPTION_TO_DATE_FUNDS and INCEPTION_TO_DATE_SUB_FUNDS. | AC;CB | A |
Balance Forward | INCEPTION_TO_DATE_FUNDS | Fund groups treated as inception to date by the balanceForwardJob in order to create project to date balances. The entries will post with fiscal period CB, Cumulative Balance. Used in conjunction with INCEPTION_TO_DATE_BALANCE_TYPES. | CG | A |
Balance Forward | INCEPTION_TO_DATE_SUB_FUNDS | Sub fund groups treated as inception to date by the balanceForwardJob in order to create project to date balances. The entries will post with fiscal period CB, Cumulative Balance. Used in conjunction with INCEPTION_TO_DATE_BALANCE_TYPES. | SDCI;PFCMR | A |
Batch | FROM_EMAIL | From email address used when emails are sent by the general ledger batch processing. | A | |
Batch | MANUAL_FEED_ORIGINATION | Default origin code for entries created in the accounting cycle and during year-end closing processes. | MF | A |
Collector | DOCUMENT_TYPES | Document types that require credits, debits and total balance as part of the collectorJob. | ID*;EB* | A |
Collector | DUPLICATE_HEADER_IND | When set to Y the collectorJob will check for duplicated headers. | N | A |
Collector | EMAIL_SUBJECT_ERROR | Subject line used when the collectorJob sends an email notifying the user identified in the collector file that entries were not processed. | Collector Input - INVALID DOCUMENT | A |
Collector | EMAIL_SUBJECT_FAILURE | Subject line used when the collectorJob sends an email notifying the user identified in the collector file that the file failed to load. | File Uploaded Not Processed | A |
Collector | EMAIL_SUBJECT_SUCCESS | Subject line used when the collectorJob sends an email notifying the user identified in the collector file that the file was successfully uploaded. | File Upload Successful | A |
Current Account Balance | BUDGET_RECORD_LEVEL |
Budget Record Level is an attribute of account. The value in this parameter determines for which accounts Cash Expenditure Authority and Fund Balance will be calculated on the Current Account Balances lookup. Accounts with budget record levels not in this parameter will calculate budget variance. |
N | A |
Current Account Balance | CURRENT_ASSET_OBJECT |
Object codes representing cash and cash equivalents. |
8000;8100 | A |
Current Account Balance | CURRENT_LIABILITY_OBJECT | Current liability object codes. | 9041 | A |
Current Account Balance | ENCUMBRANCE_BALANCE_TYPE | Encumbrance balance types. | EX;IE;PE;CE | A |
Current Account Balance | EXPENSE_OBJECT_TYPE | Expense object type codes. | EE;ES;EX;TE | A |
Current Account Balance | FUND_BALANCE_OBJECT | Fund Balance Object codes | 9899 | A |
Current Account Balance | INCOME_OBJECT_TYPE | Income object type codes. | CH;IC;IN;TI | A |
Detect Missing Documents | DOCUMENT_TYPES | Document types that become final or processed that should have general ledger entries. |
A |
Detect Missing Documents | EMAIL_ADDRESS | Email address that will be notified when general ledger entries are not found for documents specified in the DOCUMENT_TYPES parameter for this component by the detectDocumentsMissingEntriesJob. | A | |
Detect Missing Documents | LOOK_BACK_DAYS | Number of days back to look for documents that have not generated ledger entries. | 7 | A |
Encumbrance Forward |
Balance types that will not be rolled forward by the encumbranceForwardJob. |
CE | D |
Encumbrance Forward |
Transaction description used on the offset entries created by the encumbranceForwardJob on cost share encumbrances. |
A |
Encumbrance Forward |
Transaction description used on the offset entries created by the encumbranceForwardJob on internal, external and pre-encumbrance encumbrances |
A |
Encumbrance Forward |
The object code used to balance external encumbrance entries from the encumbrance closing process. | 9892 | A |
Encumbrance Forward |
The offset object code used to balance internal encumbrance entries from encumbrance closing process. | 9891 | A |
Encumbrance Forward |
The offset object code used to balance pre-encumbrance entries from the encumbrance closing process. | 9890 | A |
Encumbrance Forward |
Origination codes by balance types used to determine which encumbrance balances will not be rolled forward by the encumbranceForwardJob. |
IE=LD | D |
Enterprise Feed | TO_EMAIL | Email addresses which receive notification when there is a reconciliation or other error with the enterpriseFeed files. | | A |
General Ledger Correction Process | FILE_SIZE | Maximum General Ledger Correction Process file upload size. Must be an integer, optionally followed by "K", "M", or "G". | 25M | A |
General Ledger Correction Process | RECORD_LIMIT | If the selected origin entry group or uploaded file contains more records than the value in this parameter, "Manual Edit" is not allowed on the General Ledger Correction Process, the search results tab will be disabled and the "show" button appears below the checkboxes in the "Edit Options and Action" tab will not display. | 1000 | A |
General Ledger Correction Process | RECORDS_PER_PAGE | Number of records that will display on each General Ledger Correction Process page. | 10 | A |
General Ledger Entry | DOCUMENT_TYPES_EXCLUDED | Document types with origination code 01, that will not be linked in the General Ledger Entry lookup, General Ledger Pending Entry lookup and General Ledger Entry lookup accessed from General Ledger Transfer. |
D |
General Ledger Entry | LABOR_ORIGINATION_CODES | Origination codes which will link a general ledger entry's document number to the labor ledger entries that created the general ledger entry. | LD;PL;02 | A |
Module Lock/Unlock | MODULE_LOCKED_IND | When set to Y the General Ledger module is unavailable. The modulesUnlockJob and modulesLockJob batch jobs can be used to lock and unlock all the modules at one time. | N | A |
Nominal Activity | NET_EXPENSE_OBJECT_CODE | Expense nominal balances post to this object code when the nominalActivityClosingJob runs. | 5000 | A |
Nominal Activity | NET_REVENUE_OBJECT_CODE | Revenue nominal balances post to this object code when the nominalActivityClosingJob runs. | 1800 | A |
Organization Reversion | BUDGET_BALANCE_TYPE | The balance type used on the budget reversion ledger entries created by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. |
RE |
A |
Organization Reversion | CASH_BALANCE_TYPE | The balance type used on the cash reversion ledger entries created by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. |
NB |
A |
Organization Reversion | CARRY_FORWARD_OBJECT_CODE |
The object code used to balance the budget ledger entries generated by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob when carrying forward budget to the new fiscal year. |
Organization Reversion | CONSOLIDATIONS_EXCLUDED | Object consolidations excluded for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. |
D |
Organization Reversion | CONSOLIDATIONS_INCLUDED | Object consolidations included for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | C02=CMPN;C04=CPTL;C05=RERX;C06=TREX;C07=TRRV;C08=TRVL;C09=GENX,IDEX;C11=OTRE,CGRE | |
Organization Reversion | DOCUMENT_NUMBER_PREFIX | Value placed at the beginning of the document number when Organization Reversion ledger entries are created. The OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob take this value and append the account number to create multiple document numbers for posting. Then in the event of a scrubber error, only the transactions for a given account number (and not the entire feed) are rejected. | AC | |
Organization Reversion | EXPENSE_CATEGORIES | Organization reversion categories that represent expenses where variance is calculated as budget minus actual minus encumbrance. Categories not listed are assumed to be income categories and variance is calculated as actual minus budget. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | C01;C02;C03;C04;C05;C06;C08;C09;C10 | |
Organization Reversion | LEVELS_EXCLUDED | Object levels excluded for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | ||
Organization Reversion | LEVELS_INCLUDED | Object levels included for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | ||
Organization Reversion | OBJECT_TYPES_EXCLUDED | Object types excluded for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | ||
Organization Reversion | OBJECT_TYPES_INCLUDED | Object types included for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | C06=TE,EX,EE,ES;C07=TI,IN,CH,IC | |
Organization Reversion | SUB_TYPES_EXCLUDED | Object sub types excluded for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | ||
Organization Reversion | SUB_TYPES_INCLUDED | Object sub types included for a given organization reversion category. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. | ||
Organization Reversion |
The object code to use for carry-forward entries created if the Carry Forward by Object Code Indicator is not checked in the Organization Reversion Maintenance Document. Used by the OrganizationReversionCurrentYearAccountJob and OrganizationReversionPriorYearAccountJob. |
Poster | OPEN_AMOUNT_DOCUMENT_TYPES | This parameter is used in conjunction with the Encumbrance Update Code on general ledger entries. Encumbrance Update Code R will update the Closed amount using the Reference Document Number, for example, PO number; D will update the Open amount using the Document Number. This parameter overrides these rules. The document types in this parameter, which are usually Purchase Order document types, will use encumbrance update code R and will update the Open Amount using the Reference Document Number. |
A |
Poster Balancing | COMPARISON_FAILURES | Number of failures to print on the report for each category of balancing failures identified by the posterBalancingJob. | 10 | A |
Poster Balancing | PAST_FISCAL_YEARS | Number of fiscal years to subtract from the current fiscal year to represent the start range that will be used by posterBalancingJob. | 1 | A |
Poster ICR | DOCUMENT_TYPE | Document type used on the indirect cost recovery actual and encumbrance entries created by the posterJob. | ICR | A |
Poster ICR | ENCUMBRANCE_BALANCE_TYPES | Encumbrance balance type codes included by the posterJob when calculating indirect cost encumbrances. | IE;EX;PE | A |
Poster ICR | ENCUMBRANCE_IND | When set to Y indirect cost recovery encumbrances will be calculated and posted by the posterJob. | Y | A |
Poster ICR | ENCUMBRANCE_ORIGINATION_CODE | Origination code used on the indirect cost recovery encumbrance entries created by the posterJob. Entries with this origination code are also excluded from having indirect cost recovery calculated. | IR | A |
Poster ICR | EXCLUSIONS_IND | When set to Y the posterJob walks up the object code reports-to hierarchy checking every level to see if an Indirect Cost Recovery Exclusion by Type or Indirect Cost Recovery Exclusion by Account exists for the given transaction. When set to N only the transaction's object code and the top level object code of the hierarchy are checked. | Y | A |
Poster ICR | FISCAL_PERIODS | Fiscal periods excluded from indirect cost recovery calculations by the posterJob. | AB;BB;CB | D |
Poster ICR | TYPE_CODES | Indirect cost recovery type codes excluded by the posterJob when creating actual and encumbrance indirect cost recovery entries. | 10 | D |
Poster Summary Report | FISCAL_YEAR_BEGIN | The month and day near the end of a fiscal year when the posterJob will begin producing a GL Summary Report for the next fiscal year. | 615 | A |
Poster Summary Report | FISCAL_YEAR_END | The month and day marking the end of the fiscal year. This date is used by the posterJob to determine which versions of the GL Summary Report to run. | 630 | A |
Poster Summary Report | PRIOR_YEAR_END | The month and day after the beginning of a fiscal year when the posterJob will stop producing a GL Summary Report for the prior fiscal year. | 807 | A |
Scrubber | CUTOFF_TIME | Cutoff time for scrubber process, represented in 24 hour time format. Leave blank if no cutoff time desired (i.e. the scrubber run date is considered to be the date it is run). If the cutoff time is set and if the scrubber is run before the time indicated in this parameter, then the run date is considered to be 11:59:59.000 PM of the previous day. If it is run on or after the run date, then the run date of scrubber is the date and time of when the scrubber is actually executed, according to the DateTimeService. Examples: 00:35:00 is 12:35 midnight, and 13:24:56 is 1:24:56 PM. | 10:00:00 | A |
Scrubber | DOCUMENT_TYPES_EXCLUDED | Document types excluded from capitalization, liability, plant indebtedness and offset entries created by the scrubberJob. | JV;ACLO | D |
Scrubber |
Determines if the Scrubber should generate offsets for entries of the given document type | A | |
Scrubber | FISCAL_PERIODS_EXCLUDED | Fiscal periods excluded from capitalization, liability, plant indebtedness, and offset entries created by the scrubberJob. | BB;CB | D |
Scrubber | OBJECT_TYPE_OVERRIDE | Origination codes where the object type will not be changed to match the object type assigned to the object code. | 1 | D |
Scrubber | TRANSACTION_DATE_OVERRIDE | Origination codes where the offset entry will have the same transaction date as the original transaction. Used primarily for transactions coming in from external systems, such as Payroll. | 02; | A |
Scrubber Capitalization | CAMPUS_SUB_TYPES | Asset payments object codes with object sub types in this parameter will be capitalized on the Campus Plant Fund Account when capitalization entries are created by the scrubberJob. The Campus Plant Fund Account is assigned to the Organization associated with the asset's payment accounts. |
A |
Scrubber Capitalization | CAPITAL_OBJECT_CODES | The object codes where capitalization will post when generated by the scrubberJob. The object code is assigned based on the object sub-type(s) of the original transaction. | AM=8615;BD=8601 | A |
Scrubber Capitalization | CAPITALIZATION_IND | When set to Y capitalization will be run by the scrubberJob. | Y | A |
Scrubber Capitalization | CHARTS_EXCLUDED | Charts excluded from capitalization by the scrubberJob. | HO | D |
Scrubber Capitalization | DOCUMENT_TYPES_EXCLUDED | Document types excluded from capitalization by the scrubberJob. | TF;YETF;AV;AVAC;AVAE;AVRC;ACLO | D |
Scrubber Capitalization | FISCAL_PERIODS_EXCLUDED | Fiscal periods excluded from capitalization by the scrubberJob. | BB;CB | D |
Scrubber Capitalization | FUND_BALANCE_OBJECT_CODE | Fund balance offset object code used when capitalization entries are created by the scrubberJob. If this parameter is blank, the fund balance object code assigned to the chart is used. | A | |
Scrubber Capitalization | OBJECT_SUB_TYPES | Object sub-types capitalized by the scrubberJob. |
A |
Scrubber Capitalization | ORGANIZATION_SUB_TYPES | Asset payments object codes with object sub types in this parameter will be capitalized on the Organization Plant Fund Account when capitalization entries are created by the scrubberJob. The Organization Plant Fund Account is assigned to the Organization associated with the asset's payment accounts. |
A |
Scrubber Capitalization | SUB_FUNDS_EXCLUDED | Sub fund groups excluded from capitalization by the scrubberJob. | EXTAGY | D |
Scrubber Continuation Account |
If the Account is a Contracts & Grants Account and the document type and/or origination code is not included in DOCUMENT_TYPES or ORIGINATION_CODES parameters (component ScrubberJobContinuationAccount), the Contracts & Grants expiration date will be extended by the number of days specified in this parameter and transactions will post to the expired account instead of the continuation account when the scrubberJob runs. If the document type and/or origination code are included in their respective parameters, the transaction will post to the expired account. |
30 | A |
Scrubber Continuation Account |
Document types that will post to expired accounts when the continuation account logic is run by the scrubberJob. Transactions will post regardless of account type or the number of days today is past the account expiration date. NOTE: Even if the user chooses to use the expired account on a document, the transaction will only post to the expired account if the document type is included in this parameter or if the origin code is included in ORIGINATION_CODES (component ScrubberJobContinuationAccount) . |
A |
Scrubber Continuation Account |
Origination codes that will post to expired accounts when the continuation account logic is run by the scrubberJob. Transactions will post regardless of account type or the number of days today is past the account expiration date. NOTE: Even if the user chooses to use the expired account on a document, the transaction will only post to the expired account if origination code is included in this parameter or if the document type is included in DOCUMENT_TYPES (component ScrubberJobContinuationAccount) . |
01;02;EU;PL | A |
Scrubber Cost Share | DOCUMENT_TYPES | Document types excluded from cost share by the scrubberJob. | JV;AA | D |
Scrubber Cost Share | ENCUMBRANCE_BALANCE_TYPES | Balances types for which cost share encumbrances will be created by the scrubberJob. | EX;IE;PE | A |
Scrubber Cost Share | FISCAL_PERIODS | Fiscal periods excluded from cost share by the scrubberJob. | BB;CB | D |
Scrubber Cost Share | OBJECT_TYPES | Object types for which cost share will be created by the scrubberJob. | EE;EX;ES;TE | A |
Scrubber Cost Share | TRANSFER_IN_OBJECT_CODE | Object code used to record cost share transfer in. The account used will be the contract & grant account associated with the cost share sub-account. |
9915 | A |
Scrubber Cost Share | TRANSFER_OUT_OBJECT_CODES | The object codes used on the cost share entries created by the scrubberJob based on the object level of the original transaction. The cost share transfer out entries will post to the cost share account associated with the contracts & grants account and cost share sub-account. NOTE: The parameter should also include: DEFAULT=ObjectCode to catch those entries not specified in the parameter. |
ACSA=9920;BENF=9957; CAP=9970;DEFAULT=9940 |
A |
Scrubber Plant Indebtedness | FUND_BALANCE_OBJECT_CODE | Fund balance offset object code to use when the scrubberJob will generate plant fund indebtedness entries. If this parameter is blank, the fund balance object code assigned to the chart will be used. | A | |
Scrubber Plant Indebtedness | OBJECT_SUB_TYPES | Object sub type codes for which the scrubberJob will generate plant fund indebtedness entries. | PI | A |
Scrubber Plant Indebtedness | PLANT_FUND_LIABILITY_IND | When set to Y the scrubberJob will generate plant fund indebtedness entries. | Y | A |
Scrubber Plant Indebtedness | SUB_FUNDS | Sub-fund group(s) for which the scrubberJob will generate plant fund indebtedness entries. | PFCMR;PFRI | A |
Scrubber Plant Liability | CHARTS_EXCLUDED | Chart codes excluded by the scrubberJob when creating plant fund liability entries. | HO | D |
Scrubber Plant Liability | DOCUMENT_TYPES_EXCLUDED | Document types excluded by the scrubberJob when creating plant fund liability entries. |
D |
Scrubber Plant Liability | FISCAL_PERIODS_EXCLUDED | Fiscal periods excluded by the scrubberJob when creating plant fund liability entries. | BB;CB | D |
Scrubber Plant Liability | LIABILITY_IND | When set to Y plant fund liability entries will be created by the scrubberJob. | Y | A |
Scrubber Plant Liability | OBJECT_CODE | The object code used when plant fund liability entries are created by the scrbberJob. | 9603 | A |
Scrubber Plant Liability | OFFSET_OBJECT_CODE | Fund balance offset object code used when plant fund liability entries are created by the scrubberJob. If this parameter is blank, the fund balance object code assigned to the chart will be used. | A | |
Scrubber Plant Liability | SUB_FUNDS_EXCLUDED | Sub fund groups excluded by the scrubberJob when creating plant fund liability entries. | EXTAGY | D |
Scrubber Plant Liability | SUB_TYPES | Object sub types included by the scrubberJob when creating plant fund liability entries. | CL | A |
Sufficient Funds | FISCAL_YEAR | Fiscal year used by the SufficientFundsAccountUpdateJob when updating the sufficient funds table. | 2011 | A |
Year End | CHARTS |
Charts that will be processed by the following year-end jobs: encumbranceForwardJob, nominalActivityClosingJob and balanceForwardJob. If the parameter is empty, all charts will be processed. |
The document type used when general ledger entries are created by the following year-end jobs: encumbranceForwardJob, nominalActivityClosingJob and balanceForwardJob. This document type overrides certain scrubber logic (continuation accounts, inactive sub accounts, offset generation, etc...) so entries will post in the same accounting string where the balances originated. |
ACLO | A |
Year End | ANNUAL_CLOSING_FISCAL_YEAR | Fiscal to select from when determining GL balance for the year-end process. | 2022 | A |
Year End |
Object Code for remaining fund balances in the year-end closing process. | 9899 | A |
Year End |
Object Type for remaining fund balances in the year-end closing process. | FB | A |
Year End |
Date used on all transactions related to year-end closing process. | 7/30/2010 | A |
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