The Cash Balances inquiry displays the beginning, year-to-date, and available cash balances for an account and/or sub-account. It provides a bottom line snapshot of the cash balance in your account. The report was designed for those accounts that produce income/revenue through sales and services, and cash accounts. In most cases, fiscal officers of auxiliary or service accounts or non-budgeted accounts are concerned with their cash balances. However, fiscal officers of general fund accounts and some budgeted accounts might not need to use the Cash Balances inquiry.
Note: The Cash Balances inquiry should not be confused with the Available Balances inquiry that compares actual transactions and encumbrances to budget amounts.
Lookup Criteria
- Fiscal Year, Chart Code and Account Number are required fields when using the Cash Balances Lookup.
- You can further refine your results with Sub-Account Number
- The following options control the display in the Search Results:
- Consolidation Option:
- Consolidation: Aggregates sub-accounts into the total amount displayed.
- Detail: Displays balances by sub-account.
- Exclude Sub-Accounts: Balances display without sub-accounts or sub-object codes.
- Include Pending Ledger Entry:
- No: Displays balances as of the last time the batch ran.
- Approved: Includes fully approved transactions in the balances.
- All: Includes fully approved, enroute and saved transactions.
- Note: Choosing to include all pending ledger entries in a balance inquiry can generate misleading results because saved documents may contain incomplete or unbalanced accounting entries. Choosing to view all pending ledger entries should be done with the understanding that unapproved entries may change drastically prior to actually posting or they may not post at all.
- Consolidation Option:
Search Results
- Begininning Balance Line Amount: The AC balance for the cash object code loaded into fiscal period BB, for the selected Fiscal Year.
- Account Line Annual Balance Amount: The selected fiscal year's change in cash. If looking at the current fiscal year, this will be the change in cash year to date. If looking at a prior year, it will be the total change for the year.
- Available Cash Balance: Begininning Balance Line Amount plus Account Line Annual Balance Amount.
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