The following diagram illustrates the basic nightly batch jobs.
Following is a list and short explanation of the batch processes available in the General Ledger.
Job |
Description |
Year end job creates a file that contains the next years beginning balances. Run this job after nominalActivityClosingJob has been run and entries posted. The file is placed in the staging/gl/OriginEntry directory and can be viewed via the Batch File and loaded for processing via the General Ledger Correction Process. |
clearPendingEntriesJob | Clears the general ledger pending entries from the General Ledger Pending Entry table, which removes them from the documents that are processed in the nightly batch cycle. Run this job after the Poster job. |
collectorJob | Validates and converts the xml and flat file collector files that are in the staging/gl/collector (xml and flat) file directories to the General Ledger file format and places them in the staging/gl/originEntry directory for processing. |
detectMissingEntriesJob | Compares the entries in the General Ledger to final / processed documents and notifies specified individuals if entries are missing for the document. |
encumbranceForwardJob | Year end job creates a file to roll forward specified encumbrances to the following year. This job can be run on the same day that nominalActivityClostingJob is run. The file is placed in the staging/gl/OriginEntry directory and can be viewed via the Batch File and loaded for processing via the General Ledger Correction Process. |
enterpriseFeedJob |
Processes files dropped in the staging/gl/enterpriseFeed directory and places them into the staging/gl/originEntry directory. Files can also be loaded using the Enterprise Feed Upload. |
Collects entries from the General Ledger Pending Entry table that have an approved or processed status at the time the job is run. A file is created in the General Ledger format and placed in the staging/gl/originEntry directory for processing. |
Year end job creates a file to close revenues and expenses to fund balance. Run this job before balanceForwardJob. The file is placed in the staging/gl/OriginEntry directory and can be viewed via the Batch File and loaded for processing via the General Ledger Correction Process. |
Year end job runs against the current year account table to create organization reversion and carryforward entries. The file is placed in the staging/gl/OriginEntry directory and can be viewed via the Batch File and loaded for processing via the General Ledger Correction Process. Typically run prior to fiscal year end. |
Year end job runs against the prior year account table to create organization reversion and carry forward entries. The file is placed in the staging/gl/OriginEntry directory and can be viewed via the Batch File and loaded for processing via the General Ledger Correction Process. Typically run after fiscal year end. |
Rebuilds the history tables based on current entries and balances to create a new starting place for future comparisons in the event that errors discovered by the posterBalancingJob require a refresh. |
Builds a series of entry and balance tables that are synched with the General Ledger. Thereafter, the process uses these history tables, adding transactions from the most recent batch cycle. |
Performs a final validation, updates the balance tables and posts the transactions to the General Ledger. Reversing, ICR actuals and encumbrance, and bank offset entries are created and posted. Invalid transactions are demerged and are available for correcting via the General Ledger Correction Process. |
Validates, posts entries to continuation accounts, generates offsets, creates capitalization, plant indebtedness, cost share transfers actuals and encumbrances. Invalid transactions are demerged and are available for correcting via the General Ledger Correction Process. |
sufficientFundsAccountUpdateJob |
Updates the sufficient funds balance table. Set parameter FISCAL_YEAR (Component SufficientFundsAccountUpdateStep) to the current Fiscal Year. |
sufficientFundsFullRebuildJob |
Empties the sufficient funds balances table and repopulates the tables. This job is run when the sufficient funds balance table needs to be reset. |
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