Create a Purchase Order
- Log in as khuntley
- Create and blanket approve a Requisition that will create an automatic Purchase Order.
- Refer to How to Create a Capital Asset via Purchasing Accounts Payable article with the following changes:
- Use Vendor Dell Inc. (has a DUNS number)
- Use object code 5000
- Use a low amount such as $500
Create an Electronic Invoice File
- Go to the following link (change the url as appropriate to match where the PO was created)
- Enter the Document Number of the Purchase Order that was created above, not the PO number.
- Click Generate - an xml file is created and dropped in your downloads folder
Process the Electronic Invoice File
- Log in as appleton (if not already logged in)
- Upload the xml file using Electronic Invoice Upload
- Choose the PO xml file
- Enter your initials in the File Identifier field
- Click Add
- Log in as khuntley
- Use Batch Schedule to run unscheduled job electronicInvoiceExtractJob
- Refer to the How to Run Batches article for details.
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