Functionality | Parameter Name | Purpose | Sample Values | Allow or Deny |
Action List | EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_TEST_ADDRESS | Email address used for testing Action List emails. Refer to Sending Action List Emails in non-prod environments for additional information. | A | |
Action List | SEND_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_IND | Flag to determine whether or not to send Action List emails. | N | A |
All |
When set to Y the blanket approve button will display for a user who is authorized to blanket approval but is neither the initiator of the particular document nor the recipient of an active, pending, approve action request. |
Y | A |
All | KIM_PERMISSIONS_IND | When set to Y document type permission checks use KIM Permissions as priority over Document Type policies. | Y | A |
All | ROUTE_NODES | The maximum number of workflow nodes that can be processed before the system determines there is a runaway process. This prevents infinite "loops" in workflow. | A | |
Backdoor | SHOW_BACK_DOOR_LOGIN_IND | Flag to show the backdoor login in non-production environments. Refer to Enabling Backdoor Login in a non-prod environment for additional information. | Y | A |
Document Search | RESULT_RETURNED | Maximum number of documents that will be returned when using Document Search. | A | |
Email Service | FROM_ADDRESS | Default from email address for Action List emails. | | A |
StuckDocumentAutofixStep | EMAIL_SUBJECT | Specifies the subject line when the Autofix job cannot fix a document | Failed to autofix document ${documentId} | A |
StuckDocumentAutofixStep | MAX_ATTEMPTS | Determines the number of times the Autofix job will attempt to requeue the document. | 2 | A |
StuckDocumentAutofixStep | NOTIFICATION_ENABLED_IND | Flag to determine whether or not to enable notification when the Autofix job cannot requeue a document. | Y | A |
StuckDocumentNotificationStep | EMAIL_SUBJECT | Specifies the subject line of the email that will be sent by the Notification job with a list of the documents that are currently stuck in workflow that cannot be fixed by the Autofix job. This email will be sent daily? | Stuck Documents Found | A |
StuckDocumentNotificationStep | FROM_EMAIL | Sender's email address for Autofix and Notification emails. | A | |
StuckDocumentNotificationStep | TO_EMAIL | Recipient's email address for Autofix and Notification emails. | A |
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