Action requests for documents can be accessed via your action list. The action list provides summary information about each document that requires your attention, such as document type, title, route status, the type of action requested of you, who initiated the document, when it was created, and whether or not you’ve received this request because you are a delegate or a member of a group.
The Action List bar features and search results columns that display will depend on what permissions you have and what preferences you have selected.
Actions Requested
Following are the actions that may appear in your action list.
- Complete: When you receive a complete request, you are being asked to complete the document. The following documents will have an Action Request of Complete:
- Documents initiated and saved by you
- Documents ad hoc routed to you for completion
- FYI: When you receive an FYI request, you are being informed that some activity has occurred that you need to be aware of, but you don't need to review anything. FYI requests can be cleared from your action list without opening the document if you have checked the Clear FYI box in Preferences. FYIs do not interrupt the workflow and can be taken at any time. The None dropdown and Apply Default button will display when there are FYI requests on the Action List page. Select FYI from the dropdown, click Apply Default to change all the None dropdowns on the current page to FYI. Click Take Action to clear all FYIs on the current page. Preferences need
- Acknowledge: When you receive an acknowledge request, you are being asked to review the document, your approval is not required, but you need to acknowledge the activity that is occurring. You will receive acknowledge requests:
- when an ad hoc request for acknowledgement is sent to you,
- when a document has been blanket approved or auto approved and your approval was required, and
- when a document has been disapproved that you either initiated or approved.
In order to clear an Acknowledge request from your action list, you must open the document and click the Acknowledge button. Clicking acknowledge affirms that you have reviewed the document. Acknowledge does not interrupt the workflow and can be taken at any time. Documents that have been fully approved with outstanding acknowledgements will have a document status of processed. Once all acknowledgements have occurred, the document status will be final.
- Read Notes: You will receive a read notes action request when someone has completed the notification recipient field and clicked send in the notes tab on a document. In order to clear the read notes from you action list, you will need to open the document and click acknowledge. Clicking acknowledge affirms that you have read the notes.
- Automatic Refresh Rate: allows you to control how often the action list refreshes. It will normally refresh when you come back to it after reviewing a document.
- Action List Page Size: allows you to control the number of items that display on each page of your action list.
- Delegator Filter: Allows you to specify if the secondary delegate drop down should display on your action list or on your action list filter. The secondary delegate drop down is populated when fiscal officers that have made you a secondary delegate have items in their action list that you could take action on. Selecting a fiscal officer for which you are a secondary delegate will display the items in their action list.
- Primary Delegator Filter: Applies only to Fiscal Officers and allows you to specify if the primary delegate drop down should display on your action list or on your action list filter. The primary delegate drop down is populated with users that you (the fiscal officer) have made primary delegates for your account when they have items in their action list that you could take action if necessary. Selecting a primary delegate will display the items that have routed to them that you could take action on.
Fields Displayed in Action List
Most available fields are fairly self explanatory. Following are fields that need more explanation:
- Delegator: If you received an action request because you are a delegate, the person for who you are the delegate will display.
- Current Route Node: Shows at what route node you received the request. This might be helpful if you are both the fiscal officer and an org reviewer. You will know at what route node you are receiving the request.
- WorkGroup Request: If you have received a request as part of a group, the group name will display.
- Clear FYI: Displays the option to apply FYI to FYI items in your action list so that they can be cleared en mass.
- Use Outbox: Displays the Outbox link. The Outbox shows the items that you have taken action on.
Email Notification Preferences
Use this section to specify when and for which document types and action requests you would like to receive action lists.
The Default Email Notification can be overridden for specific Document Types using Document Type Notifications. Available options for notification are:
- None
- Immediate
- Daily
- Weekly
The Send Email Notifications For check boxes apply to all document types for which you would like to receive notification.
To save your preferences, click the Save button.
To return to the default preferences, click the Reset button.
When the Use Outbox is checked in Action List Preferences, documents will show up in a user's "Outbox" only if they have taken an approval, disapproval, acknowledge or FYI action. Docs that are saved or submitted are not added to the action list.
Documents are added to the Outbox when the Use Outbox is checked and can only be cleared by checking the box in the Delete Item column and clicking Delete Selected Items.
Help Desk
The Help Desk field will display for those users who have a role with permission View Other Action List. Enter a user's principal name in the box next to Help Desk and click Help Desk to see a read only view of what's in that users action list.
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