Documents route by progressing through a series of route nodes. Route nodes are established by document type for those documents that route. Most Maintenance documents do not route and access is controlled by permssions vs approval. All documents can be ad hoc routed in addition to the established routing. Refer to the Ad-Hoc Recipients article for more information.
Established routing
Following is a screenshot from the Document Type Hierarchy lookup. This lookup displays documents in their respective positions in the Document Hierarchy and also displays the route nodes associated with each document type. Route nodes are listed under the document type name.
In the following screenshot, the Advance Deposit and Cash Management do not route, the Adjustment/Accrual Voucher has three route nodes (Account, Accounting Organization Hierarchy and Object Code) and Budget Adjustment has five route nodes. Nodes are listed in the order in which the document progresses through them.
Viewing Route Nodes
To see more details about the route nodes associated with a particular document type click the three dots in the grey bar and then clic View Document Configuration link.
Scroll down to the Workflow / Responsibilities tab.
In the Workflow / Responsibilities tab, the system displays the name of each route node along with the associated role(s) that will receive the workflow request. All documents include an exception route node which identifies the role that receives the document if an error is encountered that prevents it from completing the documents normal routing. For more information about the Workflow / Responsibilities tab, refer to the Document Configuration - Workflow/Responsibilities.
Route Node Definitions
Route Node |
Description |
Account |
Routes to the all the Fiscal Officers or Delegates assigned to the accounts used on the document. Fiscal Officers are derived roles and are maintained on the Account document. Fiscal Officer Delegates are maintained using the Account Delegate document. NOTE: This route node is also referred to as Fiscal Officer. |
Account Full Edit |
This route node appears on the Procurement Card document (PCDO). When Procurement Cards are placed into Fiscal Officer or delegates action list. The accounting lines can be edited and accounts belonging to other fiscal officers can be used. After approval, the PCDO moves to the Account route node which may be the same as the person who just approved in the Account Full Edit mode and would need to be approved again. |
Accounting Organization Hierarchy |
Every account belongs to an organization and organizations belong to other organizations all the way up the hierarchy. Approvals can be set up at any level of the hierarchy by document type and amount. A document proceeding through this hierarchy routing might route to someone at the department level, then route to someone else at this departments school or college, and might continue routing to someone up to a campus or university level. Different routing can be set up for different documents and different organizations. This route node will appear on Transactional documents where accounts and amounts are present. NOTE: This route node is also referred to as Organization Review and is maintained using the Organization Review document. |
Auto Approve |
This route node appears on the Procurement Card document (PCDO) and Payment Request (PREQ). Fiscal officers or delegates will receive an FYI or Acknowledgement request when PCDOs or PREQs are auto approved.
Award |
The account has an attribute called CG Account Responsibility ID. The CG Account Responsibility ID is a qualifier on the Contracts & Grants Processor role. Assignees are added to this role with an ID. When account with this ID is used on a document that has an Award route node, it will route to the users assigned to this ID. |
Borrower |
This route node appears on the Equipment Loan, Return, Renew document. When a capital asset is loaned, returned or a loan is renewed, the borrower receives an approval request. If the borrower is inactive when an asset is returned, this route node will be skipped. |
Budget |
This route node appears on the Purchase Order and Purchase Order Split. This routing is triggered when an account has insufficient funds to cover the Purchase Order amount and routes to the KFS-SYS Budget Reviewer for approval. |
Campus |
This route node appears on the Disbursement Voucher and represents the final approval by members of KFS-FP Disbursement Manager role for the campus associated with the initiator's KFS-SYS User role |
Cash Management |
This route node appears on the Cash Receipt. The Cash Receipt routes to the Cash Manager for verification and approval. |
Change Request |
This route node appears on the Cash Receipt and is triggered when a Change Request is made on the Cash Receipt. The Cash Receipt initiator receives an acknowledge request when the Cash Receipt is approved. |
Chart |
Several Chart of Account maintenance documents will route to the Chart Managers. Refer to the Chart article for details. |
Commodity |
This route node appears on Requisitions, Purchase Order and Purchase Order Splits. Commodity code routing can be established per doc type, qualified by Commodity Code and Organization Hierarchy. |
Contract Management |
This route node appears on the Purchase Order. If the amount of the Purchase Order exceeds the Contract Manager Delegation Dollar Amount Limit defined in the Contract Manager table, the Purchase Order will route to the members of the KFS-PURAP Contract Manager role for additional approval. NOTE: The Contract Manager role does not need to have the same members as those in the Contract Manager table. The role is used to approve Purchase Orders over the limit assigned to the Contract Manager. Normally, the users in the KFS-PURAP Purchasing Processor role will be the same as the users in the Contract Manager table. |
Electronic Payment |
This route node is on the Cash Control and is triggered when the Cash Control is used to claim electronic fund payments. |
External Transfer |
When External Transfer is selected as the Retirement Reason when retiring an asset using the Asset Retirement Global (ARG) document, the ARG will route to the Account Supervisor associated with the asset's accounts. |
Image Attachment |
This route node appears on the Payment Request and Credit Memo. When parameter REQUIRE_ATTACHMENT_IND is set to Y for Payment Request and/or Credit Memo and an attachment is not added to the document. If the attachment is missing, the document will route back to the initiator. |
Initiator |
The initiator route node is available on the Vendor, Barcode Inventory Error and the Requisition. Vendor: An FYI is sent to the initiator after the Vendor document has been approved. Barcode Inventory Error: If a Barcode Inventory Error document is created due to errors in the barcode inventory upload file. The document is routed to the initiator (person who uploaded the file) for resolution. Requisition: If the user forgets to add an accounting line to the Requisition, the Requisition routes back to the initiator to add the accounting lines. |
Lockbox |
This route node is on the Cash Control and Cash Controls route to the Lockbox Manager for approval to confirm the deposit has posted to the bank. |
Management |
Routes to various manager roles for approval, normally this will be the only or final approval. Some exceptions follow: Vendor: If the initiator is also an approver of Vendor documents, the document will route to the other approvers for approval, facilitating separation of duties. Effort Certification: When an Effort Certification document is recreated, it will route to the CG Manager role for final approval. Customer and Vendor: Routing Field Configuration can be used to determine which changes should route for approval. If this is not configured, all changes will route for approval. |
If the object code, or any of it's attributes (sub-type, level or consolidation) appearing on the document has a routing rule established, the document routes to the person, group or role for which the rule has been established. |
Organization |
This route node is only available on the Requisition and routes based on the Organization in the Requisition Detail tab. The Requisition is fully editable to the approver at this route node. NOTE: This route node is also referred to as Content Review. |
Organization Hierarchy |
Similar to Accounting Organization Hierarchy, this route node used the Chart of Accounts Organization Hierarchy. This route node will be available primarily on maintenance documents that do not have amounts, such as Organization Accounting Defaults, Organization and Project Code. NOTE: This route node is also referred to as Organization Review and is maintained using the Organization Review document. |
Outstanding Transactions |
This route node appears on the Line Item Receiving document. If an unordered item is added to the document. An amendment will be created on the Purchase Order to add the item. If the Purchase Order is not in a status to be amended, the Line Item Receiving document will route to the KFS-SYS User (System User). Once the Purchase Order can be amended, the batch job approveLineItemReceivingJob will approve the Line Item Receiving document so that the amendment can be created for the unordered item. |
Payment Method |
This route node appears on the Disbursement Voucher and Payment Request. These documents will route to the KFS-SYS Disbursement Method Reviewer based on the chosen Payment Method. Normally, only Wire Transfer (W) and Foreign Draft (F) payment methods would be set up to route to this role. |
Project Management |
This route node appears on the Effort Certification document and routes to the Project Directors associated with the accounts used on the Effort Certification Document. |
Purchasing |
This route node appears on the Asset Retirement Global (ARG) and Disbursement Voucher (DV) documents. These documents will route to the Purchasing Processor role when:
Receiving |
This route node appears on the Payment Request (PREQ) and is triggered when Receiving is required as defined by the Receiving Threshold table. When Receiving is required, the Payment Request will route to the KFS-SYS User (system user) until a Line Item Receiving document is completed. Batch job receivingPaymentRequestJob will approve the Payment Request on behalf of the system user. |
Recurrence |
Invoices with recurrence information and Invoice Recurrence documents will route to users assigned to role 76 - Invoice Recurrence Instance Reviewer based on the Billing Chart and Org used on the document. |
Recurrence Creator |
When an Invoice Recurrence is inactivated by batch, the Invoice Recurrence document will route to the Invoice Initiator listed on the Invoice Recurrence. |
Separation of Duties |
This route node is available on the Requisition and Disbursement Voucher. Requisition: If the Requisition exceeds the amount in parameter SEPARATION_OF_DUTIES_DOLLAR_AMOUNT and the initiator is the only approver, the Requisition will route to the Workflow Administrator role. The Workflow Administrator is assigned the Review REQS SeparationofDuties responsibility. Disbursement Voucher: If parameter ENABLE_SEPARATION_OF_DUTIES_IND = Y and the payee on the DV is the only approver the DV will route to the Workflow Administrator. The Workflow Administrator is assigned the Review DV SeparationofDuties responsibility. NOTE: Responsibilities can be moved to different roles. |
SubAccount |
If the document uses a sub-account and the sub-account has a routing rule established, routes the document to the person, group or role for which the rule has been established. |
SubFund |
If a sub-fund derived from an account appearing on the document has a routing rule established, the document routes to the person, group or role for which the rule has been established. |
Tax |
The tax route node appears on the Disbursement Voucher, Purchase Order, Purchase Order Split and Payment Request. Disbursement Vouchers will route to Tax when:
Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Splits and Payment Requests will route to Tax when:
Travel |
The Travel route node appears on the Disbursement Voucher and is triggered when Payment reason (Payment Information tab) is Travel Payment for a Nonemployee or Travel Payment for Prepaid Travel |
Workstudy |
The workstudy route node appears on the Effort Certification and Salary Expense Transfer documents. Approval requests are triggered when object codes in parameter WORKSTUDY_ROUTE_OBJECT_CODES are used. |
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