You have three options when separating an asset:
- Separate an asset into several assets with the same total cost: This option allows you to separate one asset to reflect more accurately the actual number of assets purchased. Use this option when all of the assets are identical, and each of the assets has the same total cost.
- Separate an asset into several assets with different individual costs: Use this option when each of the assets is different, and when the total cost of each asset is a different dollar amount.
- Separate a payment on an original asset into new assets with equal cost: In some cases more than one account may have been used to pay for several assets. This option allows you to separate an asset(s) to reflect more accurately the actual number of assets purchased, while selecting the payment from which to create the assets.
When you click Separate from the Actions column in the Asset Lookup and Asset Payment Lookup results, the Asset Global document opens and the Location tab is editable.
Enter the Quantity of Assets To Be Created. Additional Locations can be added.
Click Add.
New Asset Unique Information tabs are created for each new asset. The fields in these tabs are described in Asset - edit.
Asset Information
When you click the add button in the Location tab, the system displays the Asset Information tab.
- Asset Number: Asset number of the asset being split.
- Total Cost: The total cost of the asset being split.
- Calculate Equal Source Amounts: Click this button to split the Total Cost equally among all assets (that is, the assets being created and the existing asset); so, for example, if the entry in the Quantity of Assets To be Created field is 1, the asset will be split into two assets and the cost will be shared equally between them. If the Total Cost should not be split equally, enter Separate Source Amount in each Asset Unique Information tab.
Recalculate Total Amount
This tab displays the current cost of the asset, any deductions, and the remaining total amount. It also allows the user to recalculate the total amount after making changes to the document.
- Total Cost: Total cost of the asset from all payments posted to the asset.
- Less Additions: Total cost of all new assets that will reduce the cost of the original asset.
- Remaining Total Amount: The amount that will remain with the original asset.
- Calculate Remaining Total Amount: Click this button to recalculate the cost of the asset and display the amount remaining for the asset if changes are made on the Separate Source Amount in the Unique Asset sections.
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