Selecting the edit action from the search results table from Asset Lookup and Asset Payment Lookup opens the Asset document. This document is used to:
- update capital and non-capital asset information;
- add new information related to asset repair history and asset components
Several fields on the Asset-edit document are controlled by Modify Maintenance Document Field (edit) and View Inquiry or Maintenance Document Field (view) permissions. In the base implementation these permissions are assigned to the following roles:
KFS-SYS Asset Manager and KFS-SYS Plant Fund Accountant:
- Organization Owner Chart Of Accounts and Account Number
- Owner
- Financial Object Subtype Code
- Government Tag
- National Stock Number
- In-Service Date
KFS-SYS Asset Processor, KFS-CAM Manager, KFS-SYS Asset Manager, KFS-SYS Plant Fund Accountant:
- Asset Description
- Tag Number
- Asset Type Code
- Vendor Name
Parameter PRIOR_YEAR_RESTRICTED_FIELDS can be used to prevent unauthorized users from changing specified fields. In the base implementation, the following fields are restricted:
- Type Code
- Asset Description
- Tag Number
Asset Detail Information
- Asset Number: Display-only. The system-assigned identifier unique to the asset.
- Organization Owner Chart Of Accounts Code and Account Number: Identifies the organization account that is responsible for the asset. can edit this field. Organization Owner Organization Code displays the organization associated with the account.
- Owner: Identifies the owner (agency) of of the asset if the title is vested with other universities or agencies. Leave blank if university owned.
- Acquisition Type Code: Display-only. Describes how the asset was acquired by the institution (for example, gift, found, etc.).
- Asset Status Code: Indicates the assets current status. The current asset status determines the available choices for changing the asset status. Parameters VALID_ASSET_TRANSITIONS INVALID_ASSET_TRANSITIONS determines allowable Asset Status Code changes.
- Asset Condition: Identifies the condition of the asset.
Asset Description: Detailed description of the asset.
- If the tag number has not been assigned or the asset was created in the current fiscal year, the KFS-CAM Processor can update the Asset Description.
Asset Type Code: Classifies types of assets. For more information refer to Asset Type Code.
- If the tag number has not been assigned or the asset was created in the current fiscal year, the KFS-CAM Processor can update the Asset Type Code.
- Vendor Name: The name of the company or person the asset was purchased or received from and to whom the first payment was made. Required when parameter VENDOR_REQUIRED_IND = Y.
- Manufacturer: The name of the person or company that manufactured the asset. Required when parameter MANUFACTURER_REQUIRED_IND = Y.
- Model Number: The number assigned by the manufacturer to that model of asset.
- Serial Number: The unique identification number assigned by the manufacturer to the asset.
Tag Number: The unique identification number issued by the University and affixed to the asset. Used for physical inventories.
- If the tag number has not been assigned, the KFS-CAM Processor can update Tag Number.
- Old Tag Number: The identification number (if any) previously affixed to the asset.
- Government Tag: The number assigned by a governmental entity to the asset if purchased with federal and/or state funds.
- National Stock Number: The federal identification number assigned to the asset.
- Last Inventory Date: Display-only. The date inventory was last performed by the University or the date an asset was last physically verified, moved, relocated, inventoried, or tagged. Last Inventory date is also updated when any of the fields in the Location tab change or the Update Last Inventory Date button is clicked. See Asset Location for additional information.
- Create Date: Display-only. Represents the date the document that initiated the asset, for example, Payment Request or General Ledger Transfer is processed by General Ledger Transactions and Purchasing/Accounts Payable Transactions; or the asset is added using the Asset Global (Add).
- Fiscal Year and Period: Display-only. The fiscal year and period in which the asset was added to the asset database. For more information, refer to CAMS Date fields
- Financial Object Subtype Code: The object code subtype assigned to the asset is used in conjunction with the Asset Depreciation Convention table. The Asset Depreciation Convention table is used to determine whether the asset depreciates using a half year convention or a full year convention. Subtype codes not added to the table will set the deprecation date to the in-service date.
- In-Service Date: The date the asset is placed in service and becomes eligible for depreciation. To change an asset from construction-in-progress to complete, update the asset type code and the in-service date.
Depreciation Date: Display-only. The date on which the depreciation begins. When the in-service date is changed, the depreciation date is automatically updated. The system uses the Asset Depreciation Convention table to set the depreciation date. The update is based on the deprecation convention code assigned to the subtype.
- If HY (half year) convention is used, the Depreciation Date will be 1/1.
- If FY (full year) convention is used, the Depreciation Date will be 7/1.
- If there is no convention (the sub type is not in the Asset Depreciation Convention table), the Depreciation Date will be set to the In-Service date.
- Total Cost: Display-only. The total amount or the final cost of the asset. Sum of all Payments applied to the asset.
- Federal Contribution: Display-only. The amount the federal government has contributed towards the acquisition of the asset. Parameter FEDERAL_CONTRIBUTION_SUB_TYPES determines which payments make up this amount.
Asset Location
The asset category identified by the asset type determines whether a building code, room number or off-campus information is required. For this reason the asset type must be specified before the building and room number are entered.
The asset status is used to define whether the asset is capital or non-capital.
- If the Asset Status Code is not in CAPITAL_ASSET_STATUS_CODES, the asset is considered non-capital AND
- VALID_ASSET_STATUSES - identifies non-capital based on Asset Status.
The asset type code identifies the asset category. The Asset Type Code table has a required building indicator and a movable indicator.
- Any asset type code with the Moving Indicator checked requires a valid campus, building code and room number combination, or an off-campus address.
- Any asset type code with the Required Building Indicator checked requires a building code.
- Any asset type code with both Moving Indicator and Required Building Indicator unchecked require a campus code but no building or room number.
Any change to information on the Asset Location tab causes the system to update the last inventory date for the asset.
Update Last Inventory Date: Update button updates the Last Inventory Date when changes have not been made to the Asset Location information. The Update button will update the Last Inventory Date and add a note to the document identifying the user that changed the asset last inventory date without a change to location.
Organization Information
The Organization Information tab can be used by the organization who inventories the asset to provide information to facilitate physical inventories. The fields in this tab are used only for reporting.
- Organization Inventory Name: Used to facilitate inventory by providing a common name in addition to the formal equipment description that comes from the Purchase Order. For example, GMC FABRICATED ABC1234 WIDE BODY DUMP may have an organizational inventory name of Recycling Truck.
- Asset Representative Principal Name: Enter, or look up and return, a principal name, tabbing out of the field will display the name associated with the selected Principal Name.
Organization Text: Additional organization-related information on the asset.
Organization Tag Number: The number assigned by an organization to internally identify assets, independent of the university tagging system.
Organization Asset Type Identifier: Enter the type used by the organization to classify the equipment.
Receive Date: The date the asset was received by the organization.
- Replacement Amount: The cost of replacing the asset.
- Estimated Sale Price: The estimated sales price if the asset has been sold.
The information in this tab is view only. If more than ten payments exist for the asset, this tab will not display and the payments can be viewed by clicking
- Chart Code, Account Number, Sub-Account, Object Code, Sub-Object, Project Code, Organization Reference Id: Accounting string where the payment posted.
- Document Number and Document Type: The transactional document number and type that generated the capital expense.
- Purchase Order Number and Requisition Number: Requisition and Purchase Order used to order and purchase this asset.
- Posting Date, Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period: The date the payment posted to the General Ledger. Fiscal Year and Period represented by the Posting Date. For more information, refer to CAMS Date fields
Transfer Payment Code: Indicates if the payment is eligible to depreciate. When an asset is transferred to another organization or payments are linked together, the old payments and the linked payments Transfer Payment Code will be set to Y to prevent depreciation.
- N - the payment will depreciate
- Y - the payment will not depreciate
- Amount: The amount of the payment.
- Accumulated Depreciation Amount: Total accumulated depreciation.
- Year To Date: Current fiscal year depreciation expense.
- Previous Year Depreciation Amount: Prior fiscal year depreciation expense.
- Period 1 - 12 Depreciation Amount: Depreciation expense for each fiscal period.
Payments Lookup
Clicking on the click here link opens the Asset Payment Lookup with the Asset Number field pre-populated with the asset number. The Asset Sequence numbers are linked so that individual payment details can be viewed.
Asset Payment Lookup results
Click on the Seq. # field to view payment details, described in the Payments section above.
Land Information
Use this tab to record information if the asset is Land.
Asset Depreciation Information
This tab contains the current asset depreciation information. Most of this information is view only. The depreciation method and the salvage amount are the only fields that can be updated.
Depreciation Method Code: Identifies the depreciation method . There are two depreciation methods available:
- SL - straight-line
- SV - salvage value
- Depreciable Life Limit: The useful life (depreciable life) of the asset determined by the Asset Type Code.
- Depreciation Date: The date the depreciation of the asset started.
- Base Amount: The amount eligible for deprecation. It excludes any federal or other owned amounts. The base amount is calculated by summing the account amounts on payment records that do not have federally funded financial object sub-type codes defined in parameter NON_DEPRECIABLE_FEDERALLY_OWNED_OBJECT_SUB_TYPES.
- Salvage Amount: Enter the amount the university could recover if the asset is salvaged. This amount cannot be greater than the base amount and is deducted from the base amount when determining the depreciable amount.
- Accumulated Depreciation: The depreciation that has taken place on an asset up to the present time.
- Book Value: Base Amount less Salvage Amount less Accumulated Depreciation.
- Year To Date: Current year depreciation.
- Current Month: Depreciation expense for the current month. This field is updated monthly if depreciation runs monthly.
- Previous Year: Prior year depreciation.
View Asset Separate History
This tab contains the information for an asset that once was a part of another asset and was separated from that asset.
- Original Asset Number: The asset number for the asset from which the current asset was removed.
- Separate Date: The date when the asset separation took place.
Warranty Tab
This tab contains any existing warranty information for the asset.
- Warranty Number: The number assigned by the warranty provider for this asset.
- Contact Name and Phone Number: The contact person and phone number for the warranty on the asset.
- Purchase Order Number: The purchase order number issued for the warranty on the asset.
- Begin Date and End Date: The effective dates of the warranty on the asset.
- Description: Additional detail on the warranty for the asset.
Repair History
This tab tracks an asset's repair history. To create a repair history, incident date and problem description are required and the incident date must be unique. Fields on this tab are self-explanatory.
A repair event may be removed before submitting the Asset document by clicking on the delete button. Modifications may not be made to existing repair history records, but they can be inactivated and a corrected entry added.
This tab allows the user to add any component units an asset may have. Fields on this tab are self explanatory.
A component may be removed before submitting the Asset document by clicking the delete button. Modifications may not be made to existing component records, existing components can be inactivated and corrected components added.
Lookup Related Capital Asset Documents
This tab displays links to various document types that could have taken action on this asset. Click on the click here link to open Document Search with the appropriate Doc Type and Asset number defaulted. Clicking search will display the specified document types related to this asset.
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